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. 2019 Sep 29;15(3):e1045. doi: 10.1002/cl2.1045
Description Question Coding
ID Unique study identification # For example, PES001
First author—impact evaluation Surname Open answer
Outcome for effect size (answer for all studies) Primary outcome Which primary outcomes is being coded?

1 = Forest cover/deforestation

2 = Forest condition

3 = Carbon stocks

4 = Greenhouse gas emissions

5 = Income/consumption/expenditure

6 = Food security

7 = Other socioeconomic outcome

8 = Intermediate outcomes

Subgroup analysis Is this effect size data for a subgroup?

1 = No

2 = Yes

Subgroup analysis decription If yes to question 2, which type of subgroup? Open answer—this can include separate samples for gender, income, place of residence, land size, head of household (e.g., female or male headed)
Definition of outcome Please provide the authors definition of the outcome (including description of the subgroup if relevant) Open answer
Effect size location Which page(s) contain the effect size data? Open answer
Data to be extracted Which type of data to be extracted?

1 = Continuous—means and SDs

2 = Continuous—mean difference and SD

2 = Dichotomous outcome—proportions

3 = Regression data

Effect size data (answer for all studies) Sample size metric Sample size unit of analysis

1 = Individual

2 = Household

3 = Group (e.g., community organisation)

4 = Plot

5 = Village

6 = Not clear

Treatment effect estimated What treatment effect is estimated?

1 = ITT

2 = ATET

3 = ATE

4 = LATE

Sample size (treatment) Initial sample size treatment group #
Sample size (control) Initial sample size control group #
Sample size (total) Initial sample size total #
Observations (treatment) Number of treatment observations after attrition (individuals) #
Observations (control) Number of control observations after attrition (individuals) #
Observations (total) Total number of control observations after attrition (individuals) #
Outcome data—if continuous (means and SDs) Baseline outcome treatement State result of baseline outcome for treatment group #
SD baseline outcome treatement State SD of baseline outcome measure for treatment group #
Sample size baseline treatment State sample size at baseline #
Baseline outcome control State result of baseline outcome for control group #
SD baseline outcome control State SD of baseline outcome measure for contol group #
Sample size baseline control State sample size at baseline #
Outcome in treatment post intervention State result of post intervention outcome for treatment group #
SD outcome in treatment post intervention State SD of post intervention outcome measure for treatment group #
Number with outcome in treatment post intervention State sample size post intervention #
Outcome in control post intervention State result of post intervention outcome for control group #
SD outcome in control post intervention State SD of post intervention outcome measure for control group #
Number with outcome in contol post intervention State sample size post intervention #
Outcome in treatment first follow up State result of first follow up outcome measure for treatment group #
SD outcome in treatment first follow up State SD first follow up outcome measure for treatment group #
Number with outcome in treatment first follow up State sample size first follow up #
Outcome in control first follow up State result of first follow up outcome measure for treatment group #
SD outcome in control first follow up State SD first follow up outcome measure for treatment group #
Number with outcome in control first follow up State sample size first follow up #
Outcome data—If continuous (mean difference and SD at follow up) Mean difference at follow up State mean difference #
SD at follow up State SD at follow up #
Outcomes data—if dichotomous (Proportions r) Baseline number with outcome in treatement State result of baseline outcome for treatment group #
Sample size baseline treatment State sample size at baseline #
Proportion with outcome at baseline in treatment State proportion with outcome at baseline in treatment #
Baseline number with outcome in control State result of baseline outcome for treatment group #
Sample size baseline control State sample size at baseline #
Proportion with outcome at baseline in control State proportion with outcome at baseline in contol #
Number with outcome in treatment post intervention State number with outcome post intervention for treatment group #
Sample size post intervention treatment State sample size for treatment group post intervention #
Proportion with outcome in treatment group post intervention State proportion with outcome post intervention in control group #
Number with outcome in control post intervention State number with outcome post interventionfor control group #
Sample size post intervention control State sample size for control group post intervention #
Proportion with outcome in control group post intervention State proportion with outcome post intervention in control group #
Number with outcome in treatment first follow up State number with outcome at first follow up for treatment group #
Sample size first follow up treatment State sample size at first follow up for treatment group #
Proportion with outcome in treatment group first follow up State proportion with outcome at first follow up in treatment group #
Number with outcome in contro first follow up State number with outcomeat first follow up for control group #
Sample size first follow up control State sample size at for control group at first follow up #
Proportion with outcome in contol group first follow up State proportion with outcome at first follow up in control group #
Regression data OLS OLS used? 1 = Yes, 2 = No
Logistic Logistic used? 1 = Yes, 2 = No
Type of logistic What type of logistic regression? 1 = binomial, 2 = multinomial
GLS/WLS GLS or WLS used? 1 = Yes, 2 = No
Poisson Poisson regression used? 1 = Yes, 2 = No
Other regression types Other regression type used? Specify open answer
Multilevel models Is this a multilevel model? 1 = Yes, 2 = No
Continous outcome Is the outcome continous? 1 = Yes, 2 = No
Dichotomus outcome Is the outcome dichotomus? 1 = Yes, 2 = No
Multiple outcome categories Does the outcome have more than two categories? 1 = Yes, 2 = No, 3 = Continous
Type of coefficient What is the coefficient type? 1 = raw, 2 = standardized, 3 = other
Coefficient What is the coefficient estimate? #
Standard error What is the standard error of the coefficient estimate? #
t test What is the t statistic associated with the focal predictor? #