Description | Question | Coding | |
ID | Unique study identification # | For example, PES001 | |
First author—impact evaluation | Surname | Open answer | |
Outcome for effect size (answer for all studies) | Primary outcome | Which primary outcomes is being coded? |
1 = Forest cover/deforestation 2 = Forest condition 3 = Carbon stocks 4 = Greenhouse gas emissions 5 = Income/consumption/expenditure 6 = Food security 7 = Other socioeconomic outcome 8 = Intermediate outcomes |
Subgroup analysis | Is this effect size data for a subgroup? |
1 = No 2 = Yes |
Subgroup analysis decription | If yes to question 2, which type of subgroup? | Open answer—this can include separate samples for gender, income, place of residence, land size, head of household (e.g., female or male headed) | |
Definition of outcome | Please provide the authors definition of the outcome (including description of the subgroup if relevant) | Open answer | |
Effect size location | Which page(s) contain the effect size data? | Open answer | |
Data to be extracted | Which type of data to be extracted? |
1 = Continuous—means and SDs 2 = Continuous—mean difference and SD 2 = Dichotomous outcome—proportions 3 = Regression data |
Effect size data (answer for all studies) | Sample size metric | Sample size unit of analysis |
1 = Individual 2 = Household 3 = Group (e.g., community organisation) 4 = Plot 5 = Village 6 = Not clear |
Treatment effect estimated | What treatment effect is estimated? |
1 = ITT 2 = ATET 3 = ATE 4 = LATE |
Sample size (treatment) | Initial sample size treatment group | # | |
Sample size (control) | Initial sample size control group | # | |
Sample size (total) | Initial sample size total | # | |
Observations (treatment) | Number of treatment observations after attrition (individuals) | # | |
Observations (control) | Number of control observations after attrition (individuals) | # | |
Observations (total) | Total number of control observations after attrition (individuals) | # | |
Outcome data—if continuous (means and SDs) | Baseline outcome treatement | State result of baseline outcome for treatment group | # |
SD baseline outcome treatement | State SD of baseline outcome measure for treatment group | # | |
Sample size baseline treatment | State sample size at baseline | # | |
Baseline outcome control | State result of baseline outcome for control group | # | |
SD baseline outcome control | State SD of baseline outcome measure for contol group | # | |
Sample size baseline control | State sample size at baseline | # | |
Outcome in treatment post intervention | State result of post intervention outcome for treatment group | # | |
SD outcome in treatment post intervention | State SD of post intervention outcome measure for treatment group | # | |
Number with outcome in treatment post intervention | State sample size post intervention | # | |
Outcome in control post intervention | State result of post intervention outcome for control group | # | |
SD outcome in control post intervention | State SD of post intervention outcome measure for control group | # | |
Number with outcome in contol post intervention | State sample size post intervention | # | |
Outcome in treatment first follow up | State result of first follow up outcome measure for treatment group | # | |
SD outcome in treatment first follow up | State SD first follow up outcome measure for treatment group | # | |
Number with outcome in treatment first follow up | State sample size first follow up | # | |
Outcome in control first follow up | State result of first follow up outcome measure for treatment group | # | |
SD outcome in control first follow up | State SD first follow up outcome measure for treatment group | # | |
Number with outcome in control first follow up | State sample size first follow up | # | |
Outcome data—If continuous (mean difference and SD at follow up) | Mean difference at follow up | State mean difference | # |
SD at follow up | State SD at follow up | # | |
Outcomes data—if dichotomous (Proportions r) | Baseline number with outcome in treatement | State result of baseline outcome for treatment group | # |
Sample size baseline treatment | State sample size at baseline | # | |
Proportion with outcome at baseline in treatment | State proportion with outcome at baseline in treatment | # | |
Baseline number with outcome in control | State result of baseline outcome for treatment group | # | |
Sample size baseline control | State sample size at baseline | # | |
Proportion with outcome at baseline in control | State proportion with outcome at baseline in contol | # | |
Number with outcome in treatment post intervention | State number with outcome post intervention for treatment group | # | |
Sample size post intervention treatment | State sample size for treatment group post intervention | # | |
Proportion with outcome in treatment group post intervention | State proportion with outcome post intervention in control group | # | |
Number with outcome in control post intervention | State number with outcome post interventionfor control group | # | |
Sample size post intervention control | State sample size for control group post intervention | # | |
Proportion with outcome in control group post intervention | State proportion with outcome post intervention in control group | # | |
Number with outcome in treatment first follow up | State number with outcome at first follow up for treatment group | # | |
Sample size first follow up treatment | State sample size at first follow up for treatment group | # | |
Proportion with outcome in treatment group first follow up | State proportion with outcome at first follow up in treatment group | # | |
Number with outcome in contro first follow up | State number with outcomeat first follow up for control group | # | |
Sample size first follow up control | State sample size at for control group at first follow up | # | |
Proportion with outcome in contol group first follow up | State proportion with outcome at first follow up in control group | # | |
Regression data | OLS | OLS used? | 1 = Yes, 2 = No |
Logistic | Logistic used? | 1 = Yes, 2 = No | |
Type of logistic | What type of logistic regression? | 1 = binomial, 2 = multinomial | |
GLS/WLS | GLS or WLS used? | 1 = Yes, 2 = No | |
Poisson | Poisson regression used? | 1 = Yes, 2 = No | |
Other regression types | Other regression type used? Specify | open answer | |
Multilevel models | Is this a multilevel model? | 1 = Yes, 2 = No | |
Continous outcome | Is the outcome continous? | 1 = Yes, 2 = No | |
Dichotomus outcome | Is the outcome dichotomus? | 1 = Yes, 2 = No | |
Multiple outcome categories | Does the outcome have more than two categories? | 1 = Yes, 2 = No, 3 = Continous | |
Type of coefficient | What is the coefficient type? | 1 = raw, 2 = standardized, 3 = other | |
Coefficient | What is the coefficient estimate? | # | |
Standard error | What is the standard error of the coefficient estimate? | # | |
t test | What is the t statistic associated with the focal predictor? | # |