Table 1.
Characteristics of students at the University in Kosovska Mitrovica according to smoking (n = 514)
Variable | Non- smokers n = 3 65 |
Former smokers n = 33 |
Light smokers n = 63 |
Heavy smokers n = 53 |
P for difference |
Age | 21.0 (1.8) | 20.7 (1.6) | 21.1 (1.3) | 21.6 (3.1) | 0.011 |
Gender - male - female |
162 (44.4) 203 (55.6) |
21 (63.6) 12 (36.4) |
24 (38.1) 39 (31.9) |
31 (58.5) 22 (41.5) |
0.024 |
Region of origin - Serbia - North of Kosovo - Southern enclaves - Missing |
108 (49.8) 60 (27.6) 49 (22.6) 148 (40.5) |
10 (55.6) 5 (27.8) 3 (16.7) 15 (45.4) |
16 (45.7) 9 (25.8) 10 (28.6) 28 (44.4) |
19 (50.2) 9 (27.2) 7 (22.6) 18 (34.0) |
0.967 |
Type of current residence - home (with parents) - students' dormitory - alone (rented apartment) - other |
106 (29) 142 (38.9) 110 (30.1) 7 (1.9) |
4 (12.1) 9 (27.3) 18 (54.5) 2 (6.1) |
17 (27.0) 22 (34.9) 20 (31.7) 4 (6.3) |
13 (24.5) 16 (30.2) 22 (41.5) 2 (3.8) |
0.048 |
Mother's education level - higher - other |
87 (23.8) 278 (76.2) |
9 (27.3) 24 (72.7) |
15 (23.8) 48 (16.2) |
19 (35.8) 34 (64.2) |
0.298 |
Father's education level - higher - other |
120 (39.2) 245 (67.1) |
19 (57.6) 14 (42.4) |
15 (23.8) 48 (76.2) |
20 (37.7) 33 (62.3) |
0.009 |
Family monthly income (Eur) | 507 (348) | 427 (140) | 621 (813) | 705 (532) | 0.292 |
Having own income - yes - no |
155 (42.5) 210 (57.5) |
8 (24.2) 25 (75.8) |
18 (28.6) 45 (71.4) |
12 (22.6) 41 (77.4) |
0.004 |
Type of faculty - Medical science - Social science and humanities - Natural sciences and math - Technology and engineering |
175 (47.9) 105 (28.8) 8 (2.2) 77 (21.1) |
18 (54.5) 7 (21.2) 3 (9.1) 5 (15.2) |
22 (34.9) 15 (23.8) 1 (1.6) 25 (39.7) |
23 (43.4) 16 (30.2) 2 (3.8) 12 (22.6) |
0.030 |
Grade point average* | 7.8 (0.9) | 7.6 (0.6) | 7.9 (0.9) | 7.7 (0.7) | 0.540 |
Alcohol use - yes - no |
138 (37.8) 227 (62.2) |
5 (15.2) 28 (84.8) |
10 (15.9) 53 (84.1) |
10 (18.9) 43 (81.1) |
0.001 |
Physical activity - yes - no |
62 (17.0) 303 (83.0) |
9 (27.3) 24 (72.7) |
16 (25.4) 47 (74.6) |
10 (18.9) 43 (81.1) |
0.249 |
Living with smokers - yes - no |
145 (39.7) 220 (60.3) |
21 (63.6) 12 (36.4) |
44 (69.8) 19 (30.2) |
37 (69.8) 16 (30.2) |
0.001 |
Daily exposure to indoor second hand smoke - yes - no |
213 (58.4) 152 (41.6) |
26 (78.8) 7 (21.2) |
50 (79.4) 13 (20.6) |
39 (73.6) 14 (26.4) |
0.001 |
Duration of daily exposure to second hand smoke - 0 - 1–5 hours - 6–12 hours - >12 hours |
152 (41.6) 171 (46.9) 24 (6.6) 18 (4.9) |
7 (21.2) 18 (54.6) 4 (12.1) 4 (12.1) |
13 (20.6) 32 (50.8) 10 (15.9) 8 (12.7) |
14 (26.4) 20 (37.8) 7 (13.3) 12 (22.5) |
0.001 |
Having chronic diseases - yes - no |
336 (92.1) 29 (7.9) |
29 (87.9) 4 (12.1) |
52 (82.5) 11 (17.5) |
42 (79.2) 11 (20.8) |
0.009 |
BDI score | 2.6 (840) | 3.2 (4.6) | 4.2 (5.1) | 9.1 (11.6) | 0.001 |
Legend: BDI-Beck Depression Inventory; normally distributed values are presented as mean (standard deviation). not normally distributed values are presented as median (interquartile range); non-parametric variables are presented as count (percentage)
grading system ranges from 6 as minimum (lowest passing grade) to 10 as maximum (highest passing grade)