Fig. 16.
Triplication of close juxtaposition of the language network with neighboring distributed networks revealed by data-driven parcellation. K-means clustering was used to parcellate the cortex into k networks in each individual from the triplication cohort (study 4). Confirming the results from the original (studies 1 and 2; see Fig. 4) and replication (study 3; see Fig. 11) cohorts, the candidate language network (LANG; yellow and black outline) was observed in all participants (S14–S18). When all subjects were considered, network regions were recapitulated in all of the 9 zones highlighted in Fig. 1. Unusually, subject S15 contained visibly larger regions on the right hemisphere compared with the left. From the parcellation solutions, 5 additional networks were selected for further analysis: the salience network (SAL; green), frontoparietal control network-A and -B (FPN-A and FPN-B; blue), and default network-A and -B (DN-A and DN-B; red).