Fig 1. Mathematical model structure for each patch.
Humans (h) and mosquitoes (m) are divided into susceptible (S), exposed (Mosquito-only, E), Infectious (I) and recovered and immune (R) compartments. Humans can become temporarily immune (Rp) if treated with prophylactic drugs with effective coverage rate rd with protection waning at rate cd. Infection is controlled by a mosquito-human contact rate (β) after which humans and mosquitoes go through an incubation period (at rates εh and εm respectively). Humans then naturally recover after 1/γ days of illness while mosquitoes stay infectious for life. Mosquitoes die at a natural death rate μn but can also be subject to an additional focal control mortality rate μc. All human population compartments are transient and made up of all individuals who spend time in the patch. Mosquitoes do not move between patches.