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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2021 Aug 11.
Published in final edited form as: Comput Methods Programs Biomed Update. 2021 Jul 16;1:100020. doi: 10.1016/j.cmpbup.2021.100020

Algorithm 1.

PSSAM-GAN: Propensity Score Synthetic Augmentation Matching using Generative Adversarial Networks.

Input: Training set X = {(x(1), t(1), y(1)),…, (x(n), t(n), y(n)) }, loss function L(., .), hyperparameter β > 0, generator network G with initial parameters θg, discriminator network D with initial parameters θd, epochs K
1. Perform neural network-based propensity score π(X) calculation and matching between the treated samples (t = 1) and control samples (t = 0) using the nearest neighbor algorithm with replacement
2. Separate out the unmatched control samples from the matched ones
3. for epochs = 1, 2, … ,Ks do
4.   Sample minibatch of m noise samples {z(i)}i=1m where z~N(0,1)
5.   Sample minibatch of m unmatched control samples from the distribution pdata(xuc)
6.   Update the discriminator D by ascending its stochastic gradient: θd(ϕd(D,G))
7.   Sample minibatch of m noise samples {z(i)}i=1m where z~N(0,1)
8.   Update the generator G by descending its stochastic gradient: θd(ϕd(D,G))
9. end for
10. Remove the discriminator D and get the generated samples from the generator G and assign them as treated
11. Train a multitask regression model with the original training set X to obtain outcome labels for the generated treated samples
12. Merge the original dataset with the synthetic data into an augmented balanced dataset
13. Train a multitask regression model with the augmented dataset