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. 2021 Jul 26;142(3):399–421. doi: 10.1007/s00401-021-02349-5

Table 1.

Cocktails of primary antibodies used for triple labelling immunohistochemistry

Primary antibody Dilution Host Company Secondary antibody
QC 1:100 Goat IZI Donkey anti-goat Cy2
α-Synuclein (Syn1) 1:3000 Mouse BD transduction Donkey anti-mouse Cy3
TH 1:200 Guinea pig Synaptic systems Donkey anti-guinea pig Cy5
QC 1:100 Goat IZI Donkey anti-goat Cy2
pGlu79-α-synuclein 1:100 Rabbit IZI Donkey anti-rabbit Cy3
α-Synuclein (Syn1) 1:3000 Mouse BD transduction Donkey anti-mouse Cy5

Secondary antibodies were all from Dianova and used at a dilution of 1:200

TH tyrosine hydroxylase, QC glutaminyl cyclase