Knockdown of UBE2T suppresses colorectal cancer cell proliferation and colony formation but induces cell cycle arrest. (A) Celigo® assay revealing that the cell numbers in UBE2T-knockdown RKO cells were significantly reduced compared with the control group. Magnification, ×100. (B) Quantification of the cell numbers in UBE2T knockdown RKO group and control group. (C) Colony formation assay showed Knockdown of UBE2T suppressed cell colony formation of RKO cells compared with the control group. (D) Quantification of the colony numbers after knockdown of UBE2T in RKO cells compared with the control group. (E) Flow cytometry assays showed cell cycle distribution of RKO cells after UBE2T knockdown. Y-axis represent cell numbers. (F) Knockdown of UBE2T induced cell cycle arrest of RKO cells compared with the control group. ***P<0.001 vs. NC. FL2, orange-red light (564–606 nm) for FACScans and FACSCaliburs; NC, negative control; si, small interfering RNA; UBE2T, ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 T.