Changes in Zn status as well as related biomarkers and genes. Markers for the evaluation of the Zn status were determined in serum and liver of adult (30 weeks) and old (66 weeks) male and female C57BL/6Jrj mice (n = 8–10) receiving a -TE, +TE, or +TEaa diet for 26 weeks. Total Zn and free Zn concentrations were analysed in serum (A, B) and liver (C, D) by ICP-MS/MS and via fluorescent probes, respectively. To further evaluate the Zn status, relative expression levels of the Zn regulators Mt1 (E) and Mt2 (F) as well as the Zn transporters Zip3 (G), Zip5 (H), and ZnT10 (I) were examined via qRT-PCR analysis. Hepatic transcription levels were normalised to a composite factor based on the house keeper genes Hprt and Rpl13a. Variances are expressed as fold changes compared to +TE male adults (mean + TE male adult = 1). Statistical testing based on Three-Way ANOVA and Bonferroni's post-test with *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. Detailed results of statistical testing are summarised in Table 2.