Fig. 5.
Spatial distribution comparison of between fixel- and voxel-wise metrics results with zoomed fiber orientation distributions (FODs) in post-stroke aphasia compared to controls. A, Spatial correspondence of dual-way tracts in the vicinity of the significant results. The zoomed rectangles show the regional crossing-fiber nexuses of the left major tracts (magenta: AF, green: IFOF, turquoise: ILF, blue: MdLF, yellow: SLF III). B, Significant fixels of reduced fiber density (FD) (three-dimensional streamlines colored by fixel direction, mainly in green and blue), and significant clusters of reduced fractional anisotropy (FA) (three-dimensional streamlines colored in yellow). Zoomed rectangles exhibit regional crossing-fiber orientations within corresponding voxels (overlapped region in blue rectangle: centrum semiovale; mismatched region in red rectangle: temporoparietal junction). CST = corticospinal tract; rCC = radiation of the corpus callosum. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)