Antigen | Species | Dilution | Provider | Protocol specifications |
Primary (A) | ||||
PARP | Mouse | 1:1000 | Abcam (ab110915) | 10 mmol/L Sodium citrate Ph = 6 before incubation with blocking solution |
IL‐17 | Rabbit | 1:250 | Abcam (ab79056) | Triton 0.1% in PBS, 10 min, before incubation with blocking solution |
COL‐I | Mouse | 1:400 | Sigma‐Aldrich (C 2456) | ‐ |
COL‐III | Mouse | 1:500 | Abcam | ‐ |
MMP‐2 | Mouse | 1:1000 | NeoMarkers (CA‐4001) | ‐ |
TIMP‐2 | Mouse | 1:50 | Abcam (ab74216) | ‐ |
secondary (B) | ||||
IgG (Mouse) | Goat | 1:300 | Sigma (F2012/045K6072) | ‐ |
IgG (Rabbit) | Mouse | 1:1000 | Sigma (RG‐96/ B5283) | ‐ |