Study sample characteristics, PA outcome measures and main findings
Author and sample size | Age (years) | Type | Severity | PA outcome | Main findings | |
Janco et al. (1996)28 n = 96 |
4–17 (range) | Both | All | 6‐month daily checklist of PA, that is any strenuous or out of school activity; time spent with friend for 30 min not at school; house‐hold tasks. | Higher clotting factor levels reported higher levels of strenuous PA (p < .04). When controlled for factor level, higher levels of strenuous activity had higher rates of spontaneous joint bleeding (p < .05) and higher rates of trauma‐related soft tissue bleeding (p < .03) | |
Heijnen et al. (2000)21 n = 293 |
<6 to >29 (range) | Both | All | Self‐administered PA questionnaire. | Participated in 1+ sports: 74%; ‘Not active’ = 26%; Sev: ‘Active’ = 71% ‘Not active’ = 29%; ‘As active’ as Dutch male population (survey in 1990/91 ‐ 32% ‘not active’, 45% were semi‐active and 23% were active). | |
Van der Net et al. (2006)29 n = 13 |
6.6a (range 8–14.6) | FVIII | Sev | Self‐report: Hrs of PA at home; school; extra‐curricular sports; leisure time in 1 wk. | 245 (133.2; range: 90–540)a mins/wk, that is Between ±60% and ±180% of the Dutch PA guidelines (Moderate PA for at least 420 mins/wk, including twice a week vigorous sport activities.). | |
Nazzaro et al. (2006)30 n = 110 |
16.7a (range 13–21) | NS | All | Survey: 2 questions adapted from IPAQ on strenuous PA and 30 mins moderate PA over 1 wk. | Avoided or limited PA: 60%; Exercised as a preventative measure: 27%; Did not engage in regular strenuous/moderate PA: 27%. | |
Fromme et al. (2007)31 n = 71 i.e. 44 youths, 27 adults |
Youths 10.2 ± 3a Adults 29.2 ± 12.5a |
NS | All |
Self‐administered questionnaire (everyday activities/school sports/leisure sports) |
Regular participation in school sports: 79.6% youths; 37% adults did during school days (significant at p < .05). Excused due to risk of injury: 33.3% adults; 13.6% youths Youths: 88.6% performed one or more leisure sports; Adults: 66.7% performed one or more leisure sports. |
Tlacuilo‐Parra et al. (2008)22 n = 62 x 2 (HG and CG) |
HG 9.02 ± 3.7a CG 9.3 ± 3.7a |
FVIII | All | Self‐report on PA and inactivity (h/day spent in PA). |
HG vs. CG: Grouped sedentary and low PA significant; Inactive: 77% vs. 51% Sedentary: 33% vs. 11% Low PA: 44% vs. 40%; (grouped‐ p = .003, OR 3.24, 95% CI, 1.36–7.79); Moderate PA: 23% vs. 38%; Intense PA: 0 vs. 11%. |
Tiktinsky et al. (2009)32 n = 44 |
18±5a (range 12–25) | Both | Sev | G&SQ, 1 unit = Minimum 15 mins exercise outside PE and not associated with organised athletics. | Strenuous PA at least once/wka: 56.8%; 5.0 ± 6.9 units/wk; Moderate PAa: 4.5 ± 6.9 units/wk; Mild PAa: 3.0 ± 4.3 units/wk; G&SQ total scorea: 77.9 ± 80.2 i.e. 9 METS (strenuous units/wk) +5 METS (moderate units/wk) +3 METS (mild units/wk). | |
Koiter et al. (2009)23 n = 99 |
12.6a (range 8–18) | Both | All | The Movement and Sport Questionnaire: 12 questions on participation in PE, sports and active lifestyle and list 3 sports (including duration and freq/wk). |
1 sport minimum: All 99; 2+ sports: 80 (81%); Freq/wk: 5 ± 3.2a; Soccer (42%); swimming (22%); tennis (21%); gymnastics (13%); cardio‐fitness (13%). |
Ross et al. (2009)33 n = 37 |
6–21 (range) | Both | Sev | Medical chart audit of athletic participation with telephone interview if data missing regarding PA type, prophylaxis use and injuries. | Athletic activities were organised and supervised by adults; occurred at least x2/7, minimum 30 mins of PA. Athletic activities classified by likelihood of impact by NHF: High impact PA: 73%; Low impact PA: 27%. | |
Sherlock et al. (2010)34 n = 61 |
38a (range 16–63) | NS | All | IPAQ and questionnaire regarding participation in sport. | High PA: 46%; Moderate PA: 28%; Low PA: 16%; Sport: 51%; Moderate mins/wka: 152.7 (±167.2); Vigorous mins/wka: 141.1 (±145.6); Walking mins/wka: 444 (±156.5); Sitting mins/wka: 2262 (±1326.8); Half as much time in moderate and vigorous PA vs. EU average. | |
Khawaji et al. (2010)35 n = 30 |
30.5a (range 20–57) | Both | Sev | MAQ | Weight‐bearing PA: 96.6%; Vigorous PA: 56.6% (eg jogging, wood chopping, hunting); Non‐weight‐bearing PA: 60% (eg cycling, swimming, strength); Leisure walking: 63.3%; 4+ physical activities: 80%. | |
Buxbaum et al. (2010)36 n = 62 i.e. HG (17); CG (44) |
HG:13.71 ± 2.1a CG:13.28±2a |
Both (only FIX in severe group) | All | Biaxial accelerometer (ActiTraC; IM systems, Baltimore, MD, USA) on waist for 7 consecutive days. | HG vs. CG PA (h/wk)a: Low: 70.24 (±7.1) vs.75.0 2 (±6) [p = .010]; Moderate: 18.35 (±3.4) vs. 15.89 (±3.3) [p = .012]; High: 11.44 (±6.3) vs. 9.13 (±3.8) [p = .086]; Vigorous: 1.96 (±2.6) vs. 1.54 (±1.4) [p = .409]; Both spent >70%/day sedentary. | |
Groen et al. (2011)24 n = 36 |
12.5 ± 2.9a (range 8.2–17.4) | NS | All | MAQ compared with data from a previous study of the general Dutch population. |
1+ activities at competitive level: 83%; Met guidelines (1‐hr moderate PA/5‐8 METs/day): 27.8% (vs. 21% in general population); Inactivity: 8% (vs. 12% in general population). |
González et al. (2011)37 n = 66 i.e. HG (41); CG (25) |
HG:12.78 (0.48)a SEM CG:15.9 (0.18)a SEM |
FVIII | All |
Triaxial accelerometer (ActiGraph GT3X, Fort Walton Beach, FL, USA) on right hip for 7 consecutive days. |
HG vs. CG PA (mins/day) a SEM: Sedentary: 356.78 (16.6) vs. 479.41 (19.62) [p <.001] Light: 450.24 (18.68) vs. 479.41 (19.62) [p <.001]; Moderate: 8.48 (1.15) vs. 3.36 (0.86) [p = .001]; Vigorous: 0.25 (0.06) vs. 0.41 (0.10) (not significant); MVPA: 8.74 (1.19) vs. 3.77 (0.88) [p = .001]; Total PA (counts/min):652.63 (33.74) vs. 430.82 (30.63) [p <.001]. |
Khair et al. (2012)38 n = 84 |
11.52 ± 3.4a (range 5.83–17.86) |
Both | All | Questionnaire regarding sporting activities (freq and duration of sport/wk) |
Participation in sport: 90.5%; Number of sports per person: 4a; With friends: 80%; At school: 80%; Team/club sports: 40%; Golf course/gym: 50%; Total h/wka: 4.9 (range 1–13); 1 hr/wk: 2.6%; 2–5 h/wk: 59.2%; 6–9 h/wk: 35.5%; 10–13 h/wk: 2.6%; Freq/wk: x1: 21.1% x2: 48.7% x3 27.6% x > 3: 2.6%. |
Broderick et al. (2012)39 n = 104 |
9.5±4a (range 4–18) |
Both | Mod/Sev | Self‐reported PA 3 days before a bleed, PA categorised by risk of collision using NHF criteria. PA in 8‐h immediately before the bleed and two 8‐hr windows at 24 and 48 h before the bleed. |
Interviews conducted for 329 bleeds, there was exposure to: C2 ‐ Significant collisions might occur, for example basketball: 30.6% of bleed windows‐ 24.8% 1st control windows, 21.4% 2nd; C3‐ Significant collisions inevitable, for example wrestling: 7.0% of bleed windows‐ 3.4% 1st control windows, 4.6% 2nd. |
Baumgardner et al. (2013)40 n = 88 |
41 (31.9–52.4)b | Both | All | Framingham PAI | PAI score: 30.8 (27.7–35.8)b; ‘Active’ (score >38): 14%; ‘Sedentary’ (score <28): 25% | |
den Uijl et al. (2013)41 n = 199 i.e. HG (94); CG (105) |
HG 25–27 (20–33)b CG 24 (20–31)b |
Both | Mod/Sev | IPAQ and a self‐designed sport list specifying type of participation in sport during the preceding year. |
IPAQ results (METs)b: HG = 3276 (960–8640) vs. CG = 3023 (1493–6936) (p = .26). Participation in sport: HG: Sev: 47 (59%); Mod: 28 (70%) vs. CG: 92 (88%) (p < .01) High‐risk sport: HG: Sev: 27 (34%); Mod: 20 (50%) vs. CG: 64 (61%) (p < 0.01). |
Broderick et al. (2013)25 n = 104 (66 prospective diaries) |
9.5±4a (range 4–18) |
Both | Mod/Sev | MAQ (METs/wk for past year) and a random 1‐week prospective record of PA during year. PA categorised by risk of collision using NHF criteria. |
Total leisure‐time PAb: 7.9 (4.6–13.0) h/wk; Vigorous PA (>6 METs)b: 3.8 (1.6–6.4) h/wk; MVPA(>3METs)b: 6.4 (3.7–10.0) h/wk; 1 sport minimum: 45% for all and 61% for boys >10 years; Inactivity/day: 20.7 h (86.3%); C2 or C3 PA: 1.5 h (6.3%). Less than half met guidelines (43%) (less than children without haemophilia−57–67%). |
Niu et al. (2014)26 n = 122 (Adults‐ IPAQ (n = 69): children CPAQ (n = 53) |
5–14: 9.6 ± 2.6a 15–64:35.2 ± 15.5a |
FIX | All | IPAQ and CPAQ (parental proxy report). |
IPAQ: High PA: 62%; Moderate PA: 29%; Low PA: 9%; Walkingb: 210 mins; 79% achieved PA guidelines of 75–150 mins/wk MVPA. |
CPAQ: No engagement in PA = 2 (n). 79% of parents reported their child participated in PA on at least 4 days/wk. |
McGee et al. (2015)42 n = 48 |
14.3 ± 2.6a (range 10–18.8) | Both | All | Chart review of participation in organised sport (ie participating in sport at least x2/wk for 30 mins). PA categorised by risk of collision using adapted NHF criteria. |
Sport participation 1 season minimum of organised sport: 62.5% (30) Basketball: 12/30; Hockey: 2/30 (against the advice of the haemophilia treatment team); Number of sport participated in: 1 (0–3)c. |
von Mackensen et al. (2016)27 n = 50 |
35.12 ± 14.7a (range 17–66) |
Both | All | Questionnaire regarding sports (freq and duration/wk). | Participation in sport: 64%; Number of sports per person: 2a; With friends: 81.3%; Team/club sports: 37.5%; Golf course/gym: 50%; Total h/wk: 3.71 ± 1.7a‐ 1 hr: 12.5%; 2–3 h: 34.4%; 4 h: 25%; 5–8 h: 28.1%; Freq/wk: x1/7: 25% x2/7: 53.1% x3/7 18.8% x4/7: 3.1%. | |
Cuesta‐Barriuso et al. (2016)43 n = 104 i.e. HG (53); CG (51) |
HG 10.08 ± 1.36a CG 9.78 ± 1.22a |
Both | All | Participation in sport. | Days practicing sports (days/wk)a ( a ):1.29; HG: 1.81 ± 1.75 (0–5); CG: 2.18 ± 1.22 (0–5). No significant differences between groups; Sports played included swimming, cycling, tennis and football. | |
Bouskill et al. (2016)44 n = 66 |
11.52 ± 3.99a |
Both | All | Triaxial accelerometer (ActiGraph GT3X, ActiGraph Corp, Pensacola, FL, USA) on right hip for 7 consecutive days and 3DPAR. | ActiGraph data (mins/day) a: Sedentary: Sev: 633.4 (± 121.3); Mild/mod: 327 (±78.73); MVPA: Sev: 48 (±20); Mild/mod: 55 (±18); 3DPAR (METs/day) a: Sev: 3.54 (±2.17); Mild/mod: 4.71 (±2.86). Close to meeting guidelines of 1 hr/day. | |
Carneiro et al. (2017)45 n = 100 i.e. BrG (50); CaG (50) |
BrG 13 ± 2.9a CaG 12.1 ± 2.8a |
Both | Mod/Sev | IPAQ |
IPAQ vigorous METsb [BrG (n−10) vs. CaG]: 480 (960) vs. 1200 (3120) (p = .0017). Overall activity BrG vs. CaG (n): High 18 vs. 28 (p = 0.0045); Moderate 13 vs. 16; Low 9 vs. 6. |
Baumann et al. (2017)14 n = AG (299; 89/299 female); ChG (150; 29/150 female) |
AG 29 (18–70)c ChG 10 (0–18)c |
FIX | All | Survey on participation in recreational activities accounting for severity and treatment regimen, intensity and duration of activities. |
Most common current recreational activities: AG: walking (44%), dancing (26%), fishing (19%), and bicycling (16%); ChG: walking (49%), swimming (18%), bicycling (11%), jogging/running (11%), and martial arts (8%); *Intensity and mean/median duration of PA provided in article. |
Flaherty et al. (2018)15 n = 14 |
48a (range 24–77) |
FVIII | All | Semi‐structured interviews in person or by phone. | −11 reported daily PA, 2 reported being mostly sedentary; 2 reported current PA reduced from normal/desired routine due to injury—walking most common type of PA reported; 6 reported regular exercise, average 5 days/wk, 4 daily; large variety including walking, running, fitness class, cycling, hiking, kayaking, etc.; 8 infrequently exercised. | |
Kempton et al. (2018)46 n = 339 (IPAQ completed)/381 |
34 (26.3, 47.2)b |
Both | All | IPAQ |
166 (49.0%) reported PA in previous wk; Duration (mins/wk)b: walking: 60 (30, 240); moderate PA: 90 (60, 180); vigorous PA: 105 (60, 180); MET (mins/wk)b: walking: 346.5 (198.0, 660.0); moderate PA: 360.0 (160.0, 600.0); vigorous PA: 960.0 (360.0, 3360.0). |
Pinto et al. (2018)47 n = 146 AG (106); CTG (21); CPrG (6‐9y n = 11, 1‐5y n = 8) |
AG 43.49 (13.89)a CTG 14.00 (2.39)a ChG:6‐9y: 7.73 (1.01)a; 1‐5y: 3.38 (1.60)a |
Both | All | PA questionnaire which collected information on PA and sport participation. |
Regular participation (n): AG = 29 (27.4%), swimming (16), walking (5), cycling (3); CTG = 12 (57.1%), swimming (5), football (3), dance (2), gym (2); ChG 6‐9y = 9 (81.8%), swimming (7), hockey (1), dance (1); ChG 1‐5y = 4 (50.0%), swimming (4), football (1). |
Pinto et al. (2018)48 n = 102 |
43 (18–74)c | Both | All | Questionnaire on either regular or occasional PA (freq and types of PA). | 65 (63.7%) practiced PA, no detail on frequency and type provided in article. | |
Versloot et al. (2019)49 n = 144 i.e. DG (43); SG (28); DCG (46); SCG (27) |
26 (23–30)b |
Both | Sev | IPAQ and a questionnaire listing 23 sports played during last 12 months. Freq. of sport performed/wk in May also asked. PA categorised by risk as per NHF classification. |
High‐risk sports: 59.2% (DG 27.9%; SG 42.9%; p < .05); IPAQ DG vs. SG (×1000 METs/wk)b: 18‐22y: 5.8 (1.1–15.1) vs. 3.5 (1.2–7.9); 23‐29y: 5.0 (0.7–14.9) vs. 4.5 (1.3–12.0); 30‐40y: 2.6 (1.1–12.1) vs. 1.8 (0.5–12.6); Number and freq of sports per group provided in article. Similar participation in sport between peers and PWH (raw data available upon request). |
Goto et al. (2019)50 n = 106 |
40.8 (12.1)a (range 18–64) |
Both | All | IPAQ and sport participation questionnaire |
PA levels (MET‐mins/wk) = 1501.8 (3413.0)a; 693.0b Significantly lower PA than Irish patients p < .001 (Sherlock et al., (2010) had higher number of mild patients). Moderate PA (mins/wk) = 103.7 (372.1)a; <0.1b; Vigorous PA (mins/wk) = 53.4 (209.6)a; <0.1b; Walking (mins/wk) = 333.6 (1106.7)a; 122.5b; Low PA n = 63 (59.4%); Moderate PA n = 29 (27.4%); High PA n = 13 (12.3%). 0 mins/wk of vigorous PA, moderate PA and walking, n = 85 (80.2%), 81 (76.4%), and 32 (30.2%), respectively. Sport participation previous year n = 50 (47.2%). |
Zanon et al. (2020)51 n = 40, ChG (12); AdoG (9); AG (19) |
ChG = <12 AdoG = 12–18 AG = >18 |
FVIII | Sev | EPIC Norfolk PA Questionnaire |
More PA/sport participation noted in highly adherent patients on prophylaxis. A difference between adolescents and adults in type, freq, and impact of PA was noted (raw data NR). Type of sport by category of adherence (None‐High): Hobby/leisure: None = 3 (15%); Min = 2 (10%); Low = 2 (10%); Med = 2 (10%); High = 11 (55%); Endurance sports: None = 3 (14.3%); Min = 2 (9.9%); Low = 2 (9.9%); Med = 3 (14.3%); High = 11 (52.4%); Athletic sports: None = 2 (13.3%); Min = 2 (13.3%); Low = 1 (6.7%); Med = 1 (6.7%); High = 9 (60%); Ball sports: None = 2 (16.7%); Min = NA; Low = 1 (8.3%); Med = 2 (16.7%); High = 7 (58.3%). |
Timmer et al. (2020)52 n = 105 |
43 (30–54)b | Both | All | Activ8 accelerometer carried in trouser pocket for 7 consecutive days. |
Majority = Sedentary (n = 60); Walkers (n = 21); Bikers and runners (n = 24) Sitting (h/day): 9.2 (7.4–10.6)b; Standing (h/day): 2.8 (2.0–3.6)b; Walking (h/day): 1.9 (1.4–2.5)b; Biking (mins/day): 14.2 (5.8–28.7)b; Running (mins/day): 0.6 (0.2–1.9)b; Frequency of active bouts /day: 10.0 (7.1–12.7)b; Length active bout (mins): 11.8 (10.6–14.3)b. |
Taylor et al. (2020)53 n = 72 |
44.5 ± 15.5a (range 18–69) |
Both | All (mod excluded from analysis) | IPAQ and questionnaire on types of activities involved in |
High PA: Sev 17 (40%); Mild 15 (52%); Total 31 (43%); Moderate PA: Sev 19 (44%); Mild 9 (31%); Total 30 (42%); Low PA: Sev 7 (16%); Mild 5 (17%); Total 11 (15%) Total METa ( a ): Sev 3770 ± 3979 (219–20 739); Mild 4530 ± 4457 (33–18 339); Total 4075 ± 4164 (33–20 739); Vigorous and Moderate METa ( a ): Sev 2567 ± 3570 (0–18 660); Mild 3390 ± 3682 (0–16 260); Total 2899 ± 3613 (0–18 660); Self‐reported achieved UK guidelines for activity: Sev 15/43 (35%); Mild 19/29 (65%); Total 34/72 (47%); 85% met UK PA guidelines (higher than general population). |
Bérubé et al. (2020)54 n = 24 |
11.8 ± 3.3a (range 6–18) |
Both | Sev | Self‐report of PA/wk for safe and high‐risk PA in winter and summer‐ G&SQ wording used, parental proxy report taken for children <10y. |
When those who practiced high‐risk vs. low‐risk PA were compared, those in the high‐risk category practiced more high‐risk PA vs. those in the low‐risk category (p < .05) (2.6 vs. 0.6 days/wk). No significant differences between categories with regards practice of lower risk PA. |
Abbreviations: AdoG = adolescent group; AG = adult group; All = mild, moderate and severe; Both = FVIII and FIX deficiency; BrG = Brazilian group; C2 = category 2 activity; C3 = category 3 activity; CaG = Canadian group; CG = control group; ChG = children/caregivers of children group; CPAQ = Children's Physical Activity Questionnaire; CTG = children/teenager group; /day = Per day; DCG = Dutch control group; DG = Dutch group; FIX = FIX deficiency; freq = frequency; FVIII = FVIII deficiency; G&SQ = Godin & Shepard Physical Activity Questionnaire; HG = haemophilia group; hr(s) = hours; IPAQ = International Physical Activity Questionnaire; MAQ = Modifiable Activity Questionnaire; Med = medium; METs = metabolic equivalent of task; METs = metabolic equivalent of task; min = minimum; mins = minutes; Mod = moderate; MVPA = moderate‐vigorous physical activity; NA = not applicable; NHF = National Haemophilia Foundation; NR = not reported; NS = not specified; PA = physical activity; PAI = Physical Activity Index; PE = physical education; SCG = Swedish control group; SEM = standard error of the mean; Sev = severe; SG = Swedish group; 3DPAR = 3‐Day Physical Activity Recall Questionnaire; /wk = per week; /wk = per week HG = haemophilia group; y = years (age).
Mean±standard deviation
Median±(interquartile range)