CP veins. (A) View of the MHS vascular arrangement. SMA, magenta; ColIV, green. Scale bar: 500 μm. (B) Reconstruction of MHS-associated vein. Vein is blue, CP is yellow. (C) View of the CSS venous outflow. SMA, magenta; Notch-2, yellow. Note that Notch-2 labels both CP epithelium and tela choroidea (TC). Scale bar: 1 mm. (D) Reconstruction of CSS-associated vein. Veins are blue, arteries red, CP yellow (semitransparent). (E) View of the LHS vascular arrangement. SMA, magenta; ColIV, green. Scale bar: 500 μm. (F) Reconstruction of the vein passing under the DCN and emerging associated with Luschka foramen. Vein is shown in stippled blue. Connections to the CP (shown as semitransparent) are shown in yellow. Arteries (red) feeding the DCN and CP LHS are also shown. Both medial and lateral views are shown for clarity.