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. 2021 Aug 12;269(2):541–576. doi: 10.1007/s00415-021-10752-x

Table 3.

Characteristics of cases presenting with COVID-19 related isolated myelitis

Author Age Gender Comorbidities Time relation between infection and NP Presenting COVID-19 symptoms Presenting neurological symptoms Neurological diagnosis Other NS manifestations Treatment Response to treatment Testing for SARS-COV-2 Severity of COVID-19 infection Antibody and OCBs testing MRI data
1. Valiuddin [64] 61 Female None A week Rhinorrhea, chills and generalized weakness Numbness and tingling in hands and feet, weakness in both lower limbs and upper limbs, constipation and urine retention

Acute COVID myelitis


Acute Motor Axonal Neuropathy (AMAN) IVMP for 5 days, 5 sessions PLEX

No improvement

Mild improvement

Positive PCR in nasopharynx, negative in CSF Mild NA Cervico-thoraco-lumbar spine: LETM without pathological contrast enhancement
2. Moreno-Escobar [65] 41 Male None A week Headache, nausea and low-grade fever, fatigue and myalgia

Paresthesia of bilateral upper and lower extremities along with urinary and fecal retention

Weakness of both lower limbs

Post COVID-19 myelitis vs NMOSD (LETM) Dysautonomia IVMP for 5 days with oral taper Partial Positive PCR in nasopharynx Mild Negative OCBs, AQP4 and MOG antibodies Cervical and thoracic spinal: LETM without any abnormal enhancement
3. Munz et al. [66] 60 Male HTN, fatty liver, ureterolithiasis 3 days Respiratory symptoms Bladder dysfunction and progressive weakness of the lower limbs Post-COVID myelitis None IV Acyclovir and ceftriaxone, IVMP 100 mg/day Marked but partial Positive PCR in nasopharynx, negative in CSF Moderate Negative OCBs

Thoracic spinal: T2 signal hyperintensity of the thoracic spinal cord at Th9 level suggestive of acute transverse myelitis rather than multiple sclerosis

FUP after 6 days: a patchy hyper- intensity of the thoracic cord at Th9-10 and at Th3-5 level, suggestive of transverse myelitis

4. Sarma et al. [67] 28 Female Hypothyroidism At initial presentation Productive cough, fever, myalgia, rhinorrhea Low back pain, paresthesia in both lower limbs, urine retention, nausea and vomiting Immune mediated COVID-myelitis (LETM) None Prednisolone and received two PLEX treatments Partial Positive PCR in nasopharynx Mild NA Spine: widespread elongated signal changes throughout the spinal cord to the conus medullaris and involving the medulla (LETM)
5. Sotoca et al. [68] 69 Female None 8 days Fever and cough Irradiated cervical pain, imbalance, and motor weakness and numbness in the left hand Acute necrotizing myelitis (ANM) (LETM) None IVMP for 5 days, PLEX and another course of IVMP for 5 days with oral taper Partial then deteriorated and new attack Positive PCR in nasopharynx, negative in CSF Mild Negative OCBs, MOG and AQP4 antibodies

Spinal: LETM extending from the medulla oblongata to C7, involving most of the cord with diffuse patchy enhancing lesions

A new spinal MRI after deterioration: transversally and caudally progression until T6 level with similar enhancement and a new area of central necrosis at the T1 level with peripheral enhancement

FUP MRI after PLEX: substantial decrease in myelitis extension and enhancement, but central necrosis at the C7-T1 level remained unchanged

6. Domingues et al. [69] 42 Female None

3 weeks

Symptoms overlapped

Coryza, nasal obstruction Recurrent paresthesia of the left upper limb, later progressing to left hemithorax, and hemiface (these symptoms occurred 3 years ago) Spinal CIS vs viral myelitis None No treatment received Full spontaneous recovery after 3 weeks Positive PCR in CSF, negative in nasopharynx Definite NA Cervical: small lateral demyelinating patch that explains the symptoms
7. Alketbi et al. [70] 32 Male None 2 days High-grade fever and flu-like symptoms Sudden onset of bilateral lower limb weakness, difficulty in sitting up, and in passing urine Post-COVID-19 myelitis (LETM) None IVMP for 5 days Marked partial Positive PCR in nasopharynx Mild NA Spinal: LETM
8. Durrani et al. [71] 24 Male None 12 days Fever, chills, nausea and vomiting Bilateral lower extremity weakness in addition to developing overflow urinary incontinence

Post COVID- 19 myelitis vs COVID-19 myelitis


None IVMP Marked Positive PCR in nasopharynx Moderate Negative OCBs Spinal: LETM
9. Abdelhady et al. [71] 52 Male DM, G6PD deficiency At initial presentation Fever Lower abdominal pain and inability to pass urine for the past 3 days, associated with fever and lower limb weakness COVID-19 myelitis (LETM) None Steroids and acyclovir Died Positive PCR in nasopharynx, negative in CSF Mild NA Thoracic spinal: LETM
10. Chow et al. [72] 60 Male HTN. Hypercholesterolemia, ex smoker 18 days Fever, cough, loss of taste and smell Bilateral lower limb weakness, urinary retention and constipation ATM (LETM) None IVMP for 3 days, physiotherapy Complete neurological and radiological improvement Positive PCR in nasopharynx Mild Negative serum anti-MOG, anti-MAG, and AQP4 antibodies

Whole spine: LETM

Normal MRI brain and orbit

Follow-up MRI whole spine after 10 days showed almost complete resolution

11. Kaur et al. [73] 3 Female None At initial presentation Asymptomatic Flaccid quadriparesis, neurogenic respiratory failure requiring intubation ATM (LETM) None IVMP for 5 days (30 mg/kg/day) and IVIG (2 g/kg total dose), then seven sessions of PLEX, then Rituximab No improvement Positive PCR in nasopharynx Mild Negative serum AQP4 and MOG autoantibodies

Spine: LETM of cervical spinal cord extending from the lower medulla to the mid-thoracic level with no enhancement

Brain and orbits: were normal

Follow-up MRI: reduced edema, early cervical myelomalacia

12. Masuccio et al. [74] 70 Female HTN, obesity 15 days Fever, anosmia and generalized myalgia Severe quadriparesis, decreased tactile and pain sensation in the lower limbs accompanied with urinary retention ATM Acute motor axonal neuropathy (AMAN) PLEX followed by one course of IVIG No improvement Negative PCR in nasopharynx Mild Anti-GD1b IgM positive Spine: hyperintensity in posterior portion of the spinal cord from vertebral levels (C7–D1), no gadolinium enhancement
13. Shahali et al. [75] 63 Male DM, CRF, IHD 4 days Fever, fatigue, sore throat, and runny nose Severe paraplegia, constipation, and urinary retention ATM (LETM) None IVMP for 3 days and then tapered to 1 mg/kg/day), followed by IVIG (2.5 g daily for 3 days) Complete resolution of neurologic manifestations Positive PCR in nasopharynx Moderate IgG index = elevated (> 0.91) Spine: LETM with linear enhancement within the mid and lower thoracic cord
14. Chakraborty et al. [76] 59 Female None 4 days Fever Acute, severe progressive ascending flaccid paraplegia with retention of urine and constipation ATM None IVMP at a dose of 1 g/day Cardiac arrest, and death Positive PCR in nasopharynx Severe NA Thoracic spine: hyperintensity in the spinal cord at T6–T7 vertebral level, suggestive of myelitis
15. Baghbanian et al. [77] 53 Female DM, HTN, IHD 14 days Fever, respiratory symptoms Paraplegia, low back pain and urinary incontinence ATM (LETM) None PLEX Partial recovery Positive PCR in nasopharynx Mild

Negative CSF OCBs and the IgG index was in the upper limit of normal

AQP4 and MOG antibodies

were negative

Spine: LETM in the T8–T10 cord segments

Brain: normal

16. Guler et al. [78] 14 Female None At initial presentation Asymptomatic Right hemiplegia ATM (LETM) None IVIG was administered at 400 mg/kg/day for 5 days. Followed by IVMP was given at 30 mg/kg/day for 7 days Partial improvement Positive PCR in nasopharynx Mild

Serum AQP4 IgG was negative

CSF OCBs were negative

Spine: showed a contrast-enhancing lesion causing expansion at the C2–C5 level
17. Fumery et al. [79] 38 Female None 14 days Dry cough, myalgia, fatigue and shortness of breath Paraplegia, hypoesthesia and bladder dysfunction ATM (LETM) None IVMP (1 g daily for 8 consecutive days) Significant clinical improvement Positive PCR in nasopharynx Mild

Negative for OCBs and CSF SARS-CoV-2 PCR

Negative MOG and AQP4 antibodies

Spine: LETM with no gadolinium enhancement

Brain: normal

18. Nejad Bilgari et al. [80] 11 Female None 3 days Fever Flaccid paraplegia, urinary and fecal retention, epigastric pain ATM (LETM) None IVIG (0.4 g/kg/day) for 5 days, IVMP (30 mg/kg) for 3 days, and seven sessions of PLEX Slight improvement Positive PCR in nasopharynx Mild NA

Spinal: LETM

Brain: normal

19. Ali et al. [81] 56 Male DM, G6PD deficiency 3 days Fever, fatigue, dyspnea Flaccid paraplegia, urinary incontinence ATM (LETM) None IV pulse steroids and acyclovir No improvement, cardiac arrest, death Positive PCR in nasopharynx Moderate NA

Thoracic spine: LETM with no post-contrast enhancement

Brain: normal

20. Román et al. [82] 72 Male HTN None


Contact of a positive case

Urine retention

Dysesthesias in arms and legs and weakness of all four limbs

ATM None IVMP (1 g/day) for 5 days, enoxaparin 40 mg daily, followed by IVIG (30 g/day) for five days. Oral prednisone was prescribed for the next 30 days Partial improvement Positive serology Mild Positive OCBs

Brain: normal

Cervicothoracic spinal: hyperintensities at C4–C5 and Th3–Th4 were observed without contrast enhancement

21. Paterson et al. [3] 48 Male DM, HTN 19 days Cough, dyspnea and fever Numbness of hands and feet; band of itching sensation at level of the umbilicus and ataxia Post-infectious myelitis (LETM) None IVMP for 3 days Partial improvement NA Mild Negative OCBs

Brain: normal

Thoracic spine: LETM down to the conus with no enhancement with contrast

22. Saberi et al. [83] 60 Male DM, HTN, hyperlipidemia 2 weeks Fever, nausea and vomiting Progressive weakness of lower limbs accompanied by urinary incontinence and constipation Post-infectious myelitis (LETM) None

IVIG (30 g/day) was initiated for 5 days

PLEX for 5 days

Improved initially then worsened again

No improvement

Negative PCR in nasopharynx Mild Negative AQP4 antibodies

Cervical spine: LETM

In the second cervical MRI, the previous hyperintense lesion was smaller and shrunken

23. Lindan et al. [29] 3 Female None 1 day Fever, diarrhea, urinary retention, hyperreflexia Upper and lower extremity weakness, acute respiratory failures, confusion Myelitis (LETM) None Supportive measures in ICU No improvement Positive PCR in nasopharynx Severe NA

Brain: normal

Spine: expansible T2-hyperintense signal from obex to mid-thoracic cord with mild enhancement

Follow-up 4 days: worsening cord edema with extensive restricted diffusion, hemorrhage and enhancement Follow-up 3 weeks: interval myelomalacia with persistent restricted diffusion

24. Lindan et al.29 12 Male None 3 days Fever, diarrhea Urinary retention, hyperreflexia Myelitis (LETM) None High-dose steroids Partial improvement Positive PCR in nasopharynx NA NA Spine: long segment T2-hyperintensity from the obex through the mid-thoracic cord, with central predominance. No post-contrast imaging

NP neurological presentation, NS nervous system, LETM longitudinally extensive transverse myelitis, PLEX plasma exchange, IVMP intravenous methyl prednisolone, IVIG intravenous immunoglobulin, OCBs oligoclonal bands, AQP4 Aquaporin4, MOG myelin oligodendrocyte glycoprotein, FUP follow-up, ANM acute necrotizing myelitis, CIS clinically isolated syndrome, PCR polymerase chain reaction, TM transverse myelitis, HTN hypertension, ATM acute transverse myelitis, DM diabetes mellitus, CRF chronic renal failure, IHD ischemic heart disease, G6PD glucose 6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency