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. 2020 Sep 4;30(9):1449–1462. doi: 10.1007/s00787-020-01621-5

Table 3.

Relationship between covariates and ADHD in case and control subjects

Covariates Cases Controls t p value
Mean SD Mean SD
Maternal age (years) 27.89 5.87 29.55 5.31 6.73  < 0.001
Gestational week of blood draw 10.72 3.64 10.63 3.08 − 0.61 0.54
Covariates Cases Controls χ2 p value
N % N %
Previous births 14.69  < 0.001
0 486 47.37 400 38.99
 ≥ 1 540 52.63 626 61.01
History of maternal ADHD diagnosisa 4.51 0.03
No 1019 99.32 1025 99.90
Yes 7 0.68 1 0.10
History of maternal substance abuseb 26.09  < 0.001
No 970 94.54 1012 98.64
Yes 56 5.46 14 1.36
History of maternal psychopathologyc 60.25  < 0.001
No 766 74.66 903 88.01
Yes 260 25.34 123 11.99
History of paternal ADHD diagnosisa* 6.58 0.01
No 991 99.10 1018 99.90
Yes 9 0.90 1 0.10
History of paternal psychopathologyd* 41.82  < 0.001
No 755 75.50 884 86.75
Yes 245 24.50 135 13.25
Maternal smoking1 83.31  < 0.001
No 701 70.17 866 86.95
Yes 298 29.83 130 13.05
Maternal SES 35.19  < 0.001
Upper white collar 71 6.92 138 13.45
Lower white collar 408 39.77 447 43.57
Blue collar 214 20.86 183 17.84
Others 205 19.98 159 15.50
Missing 128 12.48 99 9.65
Gestational age (weeks) 25.07  < 0.001
 < 37 98 9.59 41 4.01
 ≥ 37 924 90.41 981 95.99
Weight for gestational age 11.14 0.003
 < − 2 SD 51 5.00 23 2.25
− 2 SD to + 2 SD 936 91.67 961 94.03
 > + 2 SD 34 3.33 38 3.72
Maternal immigration status 6.63 0.01
No 1004 97.86 1018 99.22
Yes 22 2.14 8 0.78

SD standard deviation, t t test value, χ2 Pearson’s Chi-squared test value

aICD-10: F90.X or ICD-9: 314.X

bICD-8 (291, 303, 304), ICD-9 (291, 292, 303,304,305) or ICD-10 (F10-19)

cICD-8 (291–308), ICD-9 (291–316) or ICD-10 (F10-99, excluding mental retardation (F70-79) excluding maternal substance abuse diagnosis

dICD-8 (291–308), ICD-9 (291–316) or ICD-10 (F10-99, excluding mental retardation (F70-79)

Bold values indicate significance p<0.05