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. 2021 May 9;74(1):351–363. doi: 10.1002/hep.31677


Number of Patient Measurements Included in UNOS and Refit Models

UNOS‐MELD Patients Capped (%) Included Patients (%) ReMELD(‐Na) Patients Capped (%) Included Patients (%)
Creatinine Lower 1 55.0 41.9 0.7 20.1 73
Upper 4 3.1 2.5 6.9
Bilirubin Lower 1 23.7 76.3 0.3 2.0 93.5
Upper NA 26.9 4.5
INR Lower 1 9.8 91.2 0.1 NA 94.8
Upper NA 2.6 5.2
Sodium Lower 125 2.7 72.9 120 0.7 56.3
Upper 140 24.4 139 43

For each parameter the lower and upper bounds are shown. “Patients capped” shows the percentage of the cohort that either lies under or above the chosen bounds. “Patients included” shows the percentage of patients whose measurements are included in the model. The total number of patients included per model is 1,933, 4,815, and 2,748 for the UNOS‐MELD, reMELD, and reMELD‐Na, respectively.