Lipid‐based probes. Membrane‐inserting probes DiO/DiI/DiD/DiR and MemBright versions are shown, the last of which forms micelles until insertion into the plasma membrane, enabling no‐wash protocols. mCLING is a cationic, palmitoylated peptide that is fused to ATTO647N, which attaches to the membrane and labels the endo/lysosomal network upon exposure. Membrane‐inserting dyes VoltageFluor and FliptR insert into the lipid bilayer and can sense changes in membrane potential and tension, respectively. Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA, PDB ID: 2UVO[172]) binds to sialic acid and N‐acetylglucosamine found on glycosylation patterns on proteins on the extracellular side. Fused to Alexa488, it fluoresces and is used to stain the cell's membranous system.