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• Phase 1: Initiation and development focused on the early design, development, testing and delivery of population health interventions over an initial period of 12 to 18 months (budgets from $150,000 to $250,000 per year). Phase 1 supported the development of vested partnerships and networks among public, non-profit, community, academic and private sectors. • Phase 2: Delivery and evaluation supported full implementation, adaptation and evaluation of comprehensive population health interventions across multiple populations, communities (in at least three different jurisdictions) and settings over a period of up to four years (budgets from $300,000 to $750,000 per year). Phase 2 created and distributed evidence on community and cultural context compatibility, implementation readiness and the measurable impact of population health promotion interventions. • Phase 3: Scale-up successes supported efforts to expand the reach and impact of successfully evaluated population health interventions (budgets up to $500,000 annually). This funding was available for a three-year period to build capacity and create opportunities to scale up the reach to additional populations and policy impact of proven interventions to sustain the measurable impact. |