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Figure 7.

Figure 7

Exemplars from an investigation into the potential internalisation of Aβ and tau pathology by microglia. a Activated microglia in an Aβ plaque in the ITC of a control case with morphological features consistent with the formation of phagosomes (arrows) (M01; dotted box represents region of interest in b). b Coincidence of Aβ and IBA1 pixel intensities along a 7.8 μm length (dotted line) suggests potential internalisation of Aβ by microglia. c Activated microglia in close proximity to tau-positive DNs in the ITC of an AD case (M17; dotted box represents region of interest in d). d There was no evidence of the internalisation of tau pathology by microglia in any of the sections investigated here; exemplar shows Aβ and TTau staining intensities over a 7.2 μm length (dotted line). Scale bar 20 μm (a, c)