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. 2021 Jul 29;12:678918. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2021.678918

Table 1.

The targets and regulatory effect of noncoding RNAs on DCs in autoimmune and immune tolerance-related diseases.

Disease Non-coding RNAs Type of regulation DCs (subsets or sources) Predicted/identified targets Function Refs
SLE miR574 pDC TLR7 Promote pDC maturation and secretion of IFN-α, TNF- and IL-6 (22)
miR LET7b miR21
miR-361-5p, pDC TLR7 Increase IFN-α secretion (23)
miR-128-3p miR-181a-2-3p
miR-155 pDC TLR7 MHC class II, CD40, CD86 expressions and IFN-α secretion increased (24)
miR-29b pDC TLR9 Mcl-1, Bcl-2 Promote pDCs apoptosis (25)
miRNA-150 cDC TREM-1 inflammation decreased in SLE (26)
miR-142-3p cDC ND Increase secretion of related cytokines, inhibit Treg, and promote proliferation of CD4+T (27)
RA miR-34a DCs (CD1c+) AXL Promote DCs activation of T cells (28)
miR-363 cDC (CD11C+av+) ND Increase Th17 cells differentiation (29)
pSS miR-29a pDC ND Increase pDCs survival (30)
miR-708 cDC (CD1c+) TLR3, TLR7/8 Increase the secretion of IL-12 and TNF-α (31)
miR-130a MSK1
IBD miR-10a cDC (CD11c+) IL-12/IL-23p40 Low inflammatory environment in the intestines (32)
MS miR-233 cDC (CD11b+CD11c+) ND Inhibit activation of Th17 by decreasing levels of IL-1, IL-6, IL-23 (33)
SSc miR-31 cDC (CD11c+) ND Reduce the number of DC migrations to CNS (34)
miR-618 pDC IRF8 Reduce the development of pDCs in SSc (35)
Autoimmune myocarditis miR-223-3p Tol-DC NLRP3 Inhibition of DCs maturation (36)
GVHD miR-155 DCs (BMDC) ND Decrease the migration and inflammatory activation of DC (37)
miR-146a DCs (BMDC, MoDC) JAK-STAT Upgrade histopathological GVHD scores (38)
miR-29a DCs (BMDC, MoDC) TLR7 (mouse) promote DC maturation, migration and activation of T cell proliferation (39)
TLR8 (human)
SLE lnc-DC (ENST00000604411.1, ENST00000501122.2) DCs(MoDC) ND Positive correlation with SLEDAI Score (40)
Autoimmune myocarditis lncRNA NEAT1 cDCs (CD80+, CD86+, MHC II+) Sponge miR-3076-3p NLRP3 Increase DC induced Tregs and inhibited T cells proliferation (41)
lncRNA MALAT1 Tol-DCs (DC-sign+) mir155-5p Promote the formation of Tol-DCs (42)
SLE circHLA-C DCs miR-150 Promote pDCs maturation (43)
Autoimmune myocarditis circSnx5 cDC (CD80+, CD86+, MHC II+) miR-544 Reduce inflammation of EAM by regulating SOCS1, PU.1 (44)
circ_Malat-1 cDC (CD11c+CD80+, CD86+, MHC II+) GDF15 Increase tolerogenic phenotype of DCs (21)

Increase the secretion of IL-12 and TNF-a; Increased IL-12 and TNF-A secretion in DCs.

GDF15, Growth differentiation factor 15; NF-κB, nuclear factor kappa-B. ND, not done; ↑, upregulated; ↓, downregulated.