Table 1. Suggested naming conventions for CellProfiler metadata.
Image_FileName_RawBF | Image_PathName_RawBF | Metadata_Date | Metadata_Experiment | Metadata_Plate | Metadata_Magnification | Metadata_Well |
20191119-growth-p05-m2X_C03.TIF | /CellProfiler/example/raw_images | 20191119 | growth | p05 | m2X | C03 |
20191119-growth-p06-m2X_C09.TIF | /CellProfiler/example/raw_images | 20191119 | growth | p06 | m2X | C09 |
20191119-growth-p09-m2X_C06.TIF | /CellProfiler/example/raw_images | 20191119 | growth | p09 | m2X | C06 |
The naming of “Metadata_Plate” and “Metadata_Well” are essential to the setflags(), viewPlate(), viewWell(), and viewDose() functions. Additionally, “Image_fileName_RawBF” and “Image_PathName_RawBF” are necessary for the proper function of viewDose().