Fig 4. The comparison of the overestimate (5) and (6) and original model (3) and (4) by considering the implementation of biannual MDA with ϵ = 0.4 and ω = 0.5 and varying k and R0 values.
(a) R0 = 2, k = 0.05, n > 5.83 and MSE = 0.1258 × 10−4. (b) R0 = 2, k = 0.5, n > 8.34 and MSE = 0.2167 × 10−2. (c) R0 = 1.8, k = 0.05, n > 2.86 and MSE = 0.5217 × 10−6. (d) R0 = 1.8, k = 0.5, n > 5.38 and MSE = 0.6392 × 10−3.