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. 2021 Jan 5;23(8):1358–1366. doi: 10.1093/ntr/ntaa272

Table 2.

General Characteristics of E-cigarette Related YouTube Videos Uploaded After the Mandate Effective Date by FDA-Mandated Warning Statement Status (N = 61)

General characteristic Total
(N = 61)
Included FDA-Mandated Warning Statement n
= 8
Non-mandated Warning Statement n
= 18
No Warning Statement
n = 35
Number of views1
 Total number 102,918,585 2,818,757 14,024,924 86,074,904
 Median 483,467.0 65,065.0a 201,260.0a 1,067,784.0b
 Interquartile range 1,786,139.0 734,956.5 541,538.0 2,733,999.0
 Range 4,705–12,941,092 15,639–1,086,091 4,705–4,858,834 19,305–12,941,092
Number of likes1
 Total number 1,797,349 66,528 217,754 271,879
 Median 8,200.0 1,402.0a 3,600.0a 17,000.0b
 Interquartile range 28,264.0 7,365.0 6,464.0 39,400.0
 Range 26–272,000 259–45,395 26–83,000 121–272,000
Number of dislikes1
 Total number 106,086 2,829 25,218 78,039
 Median 501.0 53.5a 163.0a 640.0b
 Interquartile range 2,932.0 540.5 1,662.0 3,566.0
 Range 8–9700 14–1,533 8–9,700 28–8,900
Number of Comments13
 Total number 162,654 15,728 26,053 120,873
 Median 1,100.0 254.0a 526.0a 1,665.5b
 Interquartile range 4,751.0 1,153.0 983.0 4999.0
 Range 4–15,911 61–12,223 4–9,654 30–15,911
Duration in minutes and seconds2
 Total number 10 h 24 min 57 sec 1 h 30 min 26 sec 3 h 33 min 48 sec 5 h 20 min 43 sec
 Median 10:09 11:16a 10:25ab 9:32b
 Interquartile range 6:17 2:25 2:24 11:37
 Range 0:18–51:29 5:55–15:13 1:53–51:29 0:18–19:54
% (n) % (n) % (n) % (n)
Warning statement representation3
 Visual only 27.9 (17) 100.0 (9) 50.0 (9)
 Verbal only 11.5 (7) 0 38.9 (7)
 Visual and verbal 3.3 (2) 0 11.1 (2)
 No warning statement 57.4 (35) 100 (35)
Sponsored video3
 Yes 54.1 (33) 62.5 (5)a 66.7 (12)a 45.7 (16)a
 No 45.9 (28) 37.5 (3) 33.3 6) 54.3 (19)
Sponsor type2
 E-cigarette industry 36.1 (22) 50.0 (4)a 33.3 (6)a 34.3 (12)a
 Non-industry 18.0 (11) 12.5 (1) 33.3 (6) 11.4 (4)
 No sponsor 45.9 (28) 37.50 (3) 33.3 (6) 54.3 (19)

h, hour, min, minute, sec, second. Warning statements categories include FDA-mandated warning statements and author-defined, non-mandated warning statements. Two videos with FDA-mandated warning statements also displayed 1 non-mandated warning statement. Values with different superscripts in each FDA-mandated warning statement category indicate statistically significant differences for that variable. Column percents are reported. Comparisons of videos with FDA-mandated, non-mandated, and no warning statements were based on the following statistical tests1: Mann-Whitney U,2 χ  2 or Fisher’s exact.3The number of comments for 2 videos were missing and the sample sizes are as follows: n = 17 for videos with non-mandated warnings and n = 34 for videos without any warning statements. H, hours, min, minute, sec, seconds.