A) The stromal cell line TD7 can support B-cell differentiation. BM progenitor cells from C57BL/6 mice were co-cultured with the TD7 or OP9 thymic stromal cells for 6 days. Representative CD19 profiles in lymphocytes are shown. Results represent two independent biological replicates. (
B) Lin
+ cells are generated more frequently on TD7 than on OP9 monolayers. Fetal liver-derived HSCs from
Ebf1-deficient mice were cultured on TD7 or OP9 monolayers for 3 days. Representative CD11b/Gr1 profiles among the CD45
+ lymphocytes are shown. Results are representative of two independent biological replicates. (
C) Pro-B(−) and pro-B(+) cells express intermediate levels of B220. B220 expression in pro-B(−) and pro-B(+) cells is shown. Results represent three independent replicates. (
D) Pro-B(+) cells were co-cultured with OP9-Dll4, 1 ng/ml of IL-7, and 5 ng/ml of Flt3L for 3 weeks. Thereafter, the cells were subjected to flow cytometric analysis. A representative CD4/CD8 profile in lymphocytes is shown. Results represent two independent biological replicates. (
E) Pro-B(+) cells (5 × 10
6, CD45.2) were mixed with BM cells obtained from wild-type congenic mice (2 × 10
5, CD45.1) and transplanted into the lethally irradiated (9 Gy)
Cg-deficient hosts. The recipient mice were analyzed after 5 weeks of transplantation. Flow cytometric analysis of thymocytes and splenocytes was performed. Representative CD4/CD8 profiles among the CD45.2
+ thymocytes (left) and splenocytes (right) are shown. Results are representative of two independent biological replicates. (
F) Pro-B(−) and pro-B(+) cells express comparable levels of Notch receptors on their surface. Representative Notch1, Notch2, Notch3, and Notch4 profiles on pro-B(−) and pro-B(+) cells are shown. Results are representative of two independent biological replicates. (
G) Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway annotation of the differentially expressed genes in pro-B(+) and pro-B(−) cells (
Supplementary file 1, FC > 10, n = 387) was performed using the DAVID analysis tools (
https://david.ncifcrf.gov/). Top three KEGG pathway annotations are shown. Data are based on two independent biological replicates.