A) Experimental scheme for
Lmo2 deletion in primary BM progenitor cells using the CRISPR/Cas9 system is shown. (
B) Flow cytometric analysis of BM progenitors transduced with sgRNA and co-cultured with OP9-Dll1 for 4 days. Representative CD45/hNGFR (sgRNA) profiles in single cells, FSC/Lin profiles in CD45
+ cells, and CD44/CD25 profiles in CD45
- cells are shown. Results are representative of three biological replicates. Percentages of CD25
+ cells among the CD45
- cells are shown with SD (right). (
C) Specific depletion of targeted LMO2 protein. Four days after sgRNA transduction in
Figure 2A, lysates from retrovirus-infected GFP
+ Pro-B(+) cells were subjected to immunoblotting for LMO2. Two independent experiments were performed with similar results.