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. 2021 Jul 29;10:e70307. doi: 10.7554/eLife.70307

Key resources table.

Reagent type
(species) or
Designation Source or
Identifiers Additional
Gene (Mus musculus) Krt6a UniProtKB - P50446 Targeted by CRISPR/Cas9 Knockout
Gene (Mus musculus) Krt6b UniProtKB - Q9Z331 Targeted by CRISPR/Cas9 Knockout
Strain, strain background (E. coli) DH5α ThermoFisher Scientific Cat# 18265017 Chemically competent cells
Cell line (Mus musculus) KtyI KO K14 Homberg et al., 2015. DOI: 10.1038/jid.2015.184 T. Magin lab, Institute of Biology, University of Leipzig, Germany.
Cell line used to generate K5/K14_1 cell line
Cell line (Mus musculus) K5/K14_1 This paper Clonal knockout cell line of Krt6a and Krt6b, maintained in the Medalia lab
Antibody Anti-mouse Keratin 14 (mouse monoclonal) ThermoFisher Scientific MA5-11599, Clone LL002 (1:100 – 1:10)
Antibody Anti-mouse Keratin 5 (rabbit polyclonal) BioLegend Cat# 905503 (1:500)
Antibody Anti-mouse Keratin 6a (rabbit polyclonal) BioLegend Cat# 905702 (1:500)
Antibody Cy3 AffiniPure anti-rabbit (donkey polyclonal) Jackson Immuno Research Cat# 711-165-152 (1:100)
Antibody FITC AffiniPure anti-mouse (donkey polyclonal) Jackson Immuno Research Cat# 715-095-150 (1:100)
Recombinant DNA reagent pX458 (pSpCas9(BB)−2A-GFP) (plasmid) Addgene Cat# 48138 CRISPR/Cas9 knockout
Recombinant DNA reagent pGEM-T Easy (plasmid) Promega Cat# A1360
Sequence-based reagent guideRNA insert targetting Krt6a and Krt6b gene This paper guideRNA sequence: GAGCCACCGCTGCCCCGGGAG. guideRNA cloned into pX458 plasmid and transfected into KtyI KO K14 cells.
Commercial assay or kit P3 primary cell 4D-Nucleofector kit Lonza Cat# V4XP-3032 Transfection of KtyI KO K14 cells
Commercial assay or kit jetPRIME Polyplus transfection Cat# 114–07 Transfection of KtyI KO K14 cells
Commercial assay or kit GenElute Mammalian Genomic DNA kit Sigma-Aldrich Cat# G1N70-1KT Genomic DNA extraction
Chemical compound, drug 99.9% anhydrous methanol Alfa Aesar Cat# 41838 Fixation of mammalian cells
Chemical compound, drug Hoechst 33342 Sigma-Aldrich Cat# B2261 (1:10000)
Chemical compound, drug Dako mounting medium Agilent Cat# S3023
Chemical compound, drug Prolong Glass Anti-Fade ThermoFisher Scientific Cat# P36980
Software, algorithm TIDE webtool Netherlands Cancer Institute CRISPR/Cas9 knockout analysis
Software, algorithm FIJI Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden, Germany RRID:SCR_002285 For data analysis
Software, algorithm Illustrator Adobe Inc RRID:SCR_010279 For data analysis
Software, algorithm OriginPro OriginLab RRID:SCR_014212 For data analysis
Software, algorithm MATLAB MathWorks RRID:SCR_001622 For data analysis
Software, algorithm RELION Scheres, 2012. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2012.09.006 RRID:SCR_016274 For data analysis
Software, algorithm IMOD University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado, USA RRID:SCR_003297 For data analysis
Software, algorithm Amira ThermoFisher Scientific RRID:SCR_007353 For data analysis
Software, algorithm SerialEM University of Colorado Boulder, Colorado, USA RRID:SCR_017293 For data acquisition
Software, algorithm UCSF Chimera University of California, California, USA RRID:SCR_004097 For structure visualization