Fig. 6.
Embryonic expression of auxin-related genes in Arabidopsis and Brachypodium. (A) A schematic model of gene families that are involved in auxin biosynthesis (TAA/TAR family and YUC family), transport (PIN/PILS family) and signaling (TIR1/AFB family, Aux/IAA family and ARF family). (B–G) Phylogenetic trees of TAA/TAR (B), YUC (C), PIN1/PILS (D), TIR1/AFB (E), ARF (F) and Aux/IAA (G) gene families were constructed using the NJ method based on genes from Arabidopsis (red) and Brachypodium (blue). The heatmap of relative gene expression during embryogenesis is shown next to each phylogenetic tree with a white-red (lo-hi) scale for Arabidopsis and a white-blue (lo-hi) scale for Brachypodium, while genes that were not expressed were shown in gray