Fig. 3. Low dietary cholesterol rescues ptc-3(RNAi) induced phenotypes.
Worms were fed from L1 larva under standard cholesterol conditions (5 mg/l) or low cholesterol conditions (no added cholesterol) for 3 days. A Representative light microscopy images of mock- or ptc-3(RNAi)-treated worms on low cholesterol plates Scale bars 20 µm. B Quantification of number of ptc-3(RNAi)-treated worms that reached adulthood in the absence of cholesterol in the growth medium. Mean and SEM error bars, unpaired one-tailed T test ***p = 0.000565 n = 83 (mock) and 93 (ptc-3(RNAi)) animals from four independent experiments. C Nile Red staining of lipid droplets in C. elegans adult mock- and ptc-3(RNAi)-treated after L2 stage on normal or low cholesterol conditions. In low cholesterol conditions, lipid droplet levels are restored in ptc-3(RNAi) animals. Scale bars 20 µm. D Quantification of Nile Red staining of data shown in (C) Mean and SEM error bars. ***p = 0.000003 n = 22 (mock) n = 12 (ptc-3(RNAi)) n = 15 (low cholesterol mock) and 11 (low cholesterol ptc-3(RNAi)) animals. One-way ANOVA including data on Fig. 1C. The normal cholesterol data are the same as depicted in Fig. 1E. E Quantification of number of ptc-3(RNAi)-treated worms that reached adulthood in combination with ncr-1/2(RNAi). Mean and SEM error bars, n = 121 (Mock), 493 (ncr-1/2(RNAi)), 408 (2X Mock), and 295 (ncr-1/2(RNAi); ptc-3(RNAi)) animals from three independent experiments. Statistical source data are available as source data.