Fig. 5. GLIS1 regulates the transcription of a subset of TM/glaucoma-related genes in HTM cells through its interaction with GLISBS.
a Heatmap and ChIP-Seq read density plot showing GLIS1 occupancy in TM5(pIND-GLIS1) cells treated for 18 h with Dox (+Dox) compared to untreated cells (−Dox). Each line in the heatmap represents an individual GLIS1 binding site. b Pie chart showing the location of GLIS3-binding peaks within specific regions of the genome. TSS proximal: −1 kb to the transcription start site (TSS); upstream: −1 to −10 kb. c Homer de novo and known motif analysis identified GLIS-like binding sites (GLISBS) as the top consensus sequence motif. Binding sites for transcription factors of the AP-1, FOX, and TEAD families were identified alongside GLIS consensus motifs.