Whole amygdala and amygdalar subfields. Representative oblique T1 image showing the left whole amygdala (purple) and right amygdala divided into the laterobasal (green), centromedial (yellow) and superficial (red) clusters of nuclei. The right amygdala is expanded out to show all nine computed nuclei from four views; A, frontal; B, medial; C, lateral; D, superior. Different colours represent specific nuclei; green, medial; dark blue, corticoamygdaloid transitional area; orange, accessory basal; red, basal; purple, central; off-white, cortical; yellow, anterior amygdaloid area; light blue, lateral; turquoise, paralaminar. The left nuclear groups are colour coded and represented diagrammatically to show amygdalar input and output pathways. (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)