Figure 4.
Htr2c mRNA is expressed throughout the forebrain and hindbrain. (A) Hemi coronal forebrain section taken from a PD 84 Htr2c+/Y mouse. Tissue was stained with DAPI (blue) and processed with RNAscope FISH using probes for Gad2 (green), Slc32a1 (red) and Htr2c (magenta). (B–C): Hemi section from the midbrain (B) and medulla (C) of a PD 84 Htr2c+/Y mouse. Tissue was stained with DAPI (blue) and processed with RNAscope FISH using probes for Gad2 (green), Slc32a1 (red) and Htr2c (magenta). (D–K): ×40 insets from section shown in panel (A) of the following regions: retrosplenial cortex (D), piriform cortex (E), zona incerta (F), STN (G), lateral habenula (H), TRN (I), CA3a region of the hippocampus (J) and lateral amygdala (K). Separate channel images for DAPI and each of the RNAscope FISH probes are available in Supplementary Figs. 1–4.