Fig. 7.
Characterization of homozygous and heterozygous expansions detected in HG00733 Straglr genome scan. a Correlation of TR sizes of homozygous loci (see the “Results” section for selection criteria) detected by Straglr genome scan (ST) and their corresponding sizes determined from the assembly (ASM). Averages of two alleles from the assembly were calculated and plotted because two differently sized TR may have been reconstructed in the assembly. b Heterozygous loci based on Straglr genome scan (see the “Results” section for selection criteria). Each radial line in the circular plot represents a locus. The chromosome on which the locus lies is shown as a number and arc along the circumference. The black segment on each radial line represents the span in size (bp) between the two alleles within Straglr’s genotype. Colored circle markers on each radial line indicate allele sizes determined from the assembly. One or two markers may be present on each radius because the assembly may only report a single allele that is found heterozygous by Straglr. Green markers represent agreement between the allele sizes (see the “Methods” section for matching criteria), red indicates disagreement