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. 2021 May 21;48(7):1101–1105. doi: 10.1111/1346-8138.15892


Immunohistochemical data of BFHs and BCCs

Patient number Histological diagnosis CD34 BCL2 Ber‐EP4 AR
1 BFH 3 2 (P) 3 1
BCC infundibolo‐cystic 0 3 (P+C) 3 2
2 BCC superficial 0 3 (P+C) 3 3
BCC superficial 0 3 (P+C) 3 1
BFH 3 2 (P) 3 1
BFH 1 2 (P) 3 1
BFH 3 2 (P) 3 3
BFH 1 2 (P) 3 1
3 BFH 2 2 (P) 3 1
BFH 2 2 (P) 3 1
BFH 3 1 (P) 3 1

Score 0 (no positive cells); 1 (small fraction of positive cells); 2 (moderate fraction of positive cells); 3 (big fraction of positive cells).

Abbreviations: AR, Androgen receptor; BCC, basal cell carcinoma; Bcl2, B‐cell lymphoma 2; Ber‐Ep4, Ep‐CAM/cell adhesion molecule epithelial; BFH, basaloid follicular hamartoma; CD34, Cluster of differentiation 34; P, peripheral; P+C, peripheral and central.