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. 2021 Aug 13;9:135. doi: 10.1186/s40478-021-01238-y

Fig. 1.

Fig. 1

Imaging and histopathological features of Case #8. a–e Right temporo-parietal mass, mostly tissular with central necrosis. a Peripheral cysts on T2-weighted sequence. b Cyst content isointense on FLAIR image. c Mild heterogeneous contrast enhancement on T1-weighted sequence after gadolinium injection. d Diffusion restriction. e Heterogeneous tumoral blood flow with low and intermediate flow areas on Arterial Spin Labelling perfusion imaging. f Classical ependymoma-like pattern with calcifications (HPS, magnification × 100). g Tumor with perivascular pseudorosettes (HPS, magnification × 400). h Tumor with diffuse cytoplasmic immunoexpression of GFAP (magnification × 400). i A dot-like pattern of staining for EMA in the tumor (magnification × 400). j Diffuse staining for L1CAM (magnification × 400). Black scale bars represent 250 μm (f) and 50 µm (gj). HPS: Hematoxylin Phloxin Saffron.