Figure 3.
Estrus Females show a time-dependent increase in the magnitude of incubated cue-induced cocaine craving compared with both Non-Estrus Females and Males. A, Active hole responding on withdrawal days 1, 15, and 48. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM number of active hole (paired with the light cue) nose pokes during each seeking test (30 min). While all three groups demonstrated incubation of cue-induced cocaine craving over the first month and a half of withdrawal, Estrus Females showed an increase in the magnitude of incubated cue-induced craving compared with both Non-Estrus Females and Males that was present on withdrawal day 15 and continued to increase on withdrawal day 48. *p < 0.05, versus corresponding withdrawal day 1 for each group; #p < 0.05, versus Non-Estrus Females and Males on the specified time point; $p < 0.05, versus Estrus on withdrawal day 15. B, Active hole responding (mean ± SEM) across each 30 min seeking test in 10 min time bins. *p < 0.05, versus Non-Estrus Females and Males averaged across all time bins. C, Inactive hole responding on withdrawal day 1, 15, and 48. Data are shown as the mean ± SEM number of inactive hole (without consequence) nose pokes during each seeking test (30 min). *p < 0.05, withdrawal day 48 versus withdrawal day 1 averaged across all groups. D, Inactive hole responding (mean ± SEM) across each 30 min seeking test. n = 7–15 rats/group.