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. 2021 Aug 12;11(8):e043054. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043054

Table 1.

Characteristics of included studies

Reference Total participants (N probiotic: N control) Healthcare setting and age of patients Probiotic species Daily probiotic dose (cfu) Duration of probiotic therapy Control Outcome (AAD) measurement
Allen et al41 2941 (1470:1471) Inpatient
L. acidophilus, B. bifidum 60×109 21 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Beausoleil et al42 89 (44:45) Inpatient
L. acidophilus, L. casei (Bio-K+CL1285, Bio-K+International, Canada) 50×109 Duration of antibiotic Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Beniwal et al43 202 (105:97) Inpatient
L. acidophilus, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus 0.002×109 8 days Nothing >2 loose stools per day
Bravo et al44 86 (41:45) Outpatient
S. boulardii 10.2×109 12 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools per day for ≥2 days
Can et al35 151 (73:78) Inpatient
S. boulardii Not noted Not noted Placebo Not noted
Chatterjee et al45 343 (176:167) Outpatient
L. acidophilus LA-5, B. animalis ssp lactis BB-12 4×109 Duration of antibiotic Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) for ≥2 days
Cimperman et al46 23 (13:10) Inpatient
L. reuteri ATCC 55730 (BioGaia Biologics, Sweden) 0.2×109 28 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) for ≥2 days
Cindoruk et al47 124 (62:62) Inpatients being treated for H. pylori S. boulardii 1 g (cfu not noted) 14 days Placebo Not noted
de Vrese et al33 88 (30:29:29) (probiotic:pasteurised:
Outpatients being treated for H. pylori L. acidophilus, LA-5, B. animalis ssp lactis, BB-12, S. thermophilus 0.25×109 56 days Pasteurised and acidified placebos ≥3 watery stools in 1 day
Duman et al48 389 (204:185) Outpatients being treated for H. pylori S. boulardii 1 g (cfu not noted) 14 days Nothing ≥3 loose stools per day for ≥2 consecutive days
Ehrhardt et al49 477 (246:231) Inpatient
S. boulardii 36×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Evans et al50 160 (80:80) Healthy outpatients
L. helveticus+L. rhamnosus 4×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Gao et al28 255 (86:85:84) (high:low:placebo) Inpatient
L. acidophilus CL1285, L. casei LBC80R 100×109, 50×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Gotz et al51 79 (36:43) Inpatient
L. acidophilus (gasseri), L. helveticus (bulgaricus) (Lactinex) 4×109 5 days Placebo ≥3 stools more than normal number of evacuations in 24 hours
Helps et al52 85 (44:41) Inpatient
L. casei Shirota (Yakult) 6.5×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools in 24 hours
Hickson et al53 113 (57:56) Inpatient
L. casei defensis, L. bulgaricus, S. thermophilus (Actimel) 0.21×109 Duration of antibiotic+5 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Horosheva et al23 271 (91:90:90) (species1:species 2:
(1) B. subtilis 3 and B. licheniformis 31, (2) B. licheniformis only 4×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) for ≥2 days
Iamharit et al54 46 (26:20) Inpatient Lyophilized live L. acidophilus+B. bifidum (Infloran) 6×109 14 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools per day for ≥2 consecutive days or ≥5 loose stools in a day
Imase et al29 19 (5:7:7) (high:low:nothing) Inpatients being treated for H. pylori C. butyricum (CMB588) 0.02×109, 0.01×109 7 days Nothing Loose or mostly loose stools
Khanal et al55 40 (20:20) Outpatients undergoing treatment for H. pylori S. boulardii, Lactobacillus and B. longum 5×109 14 days Nothing ≥3 loose stools per day
Koning et al56 38 (19:19) Healthy
B. bifidum W23, B. lactis W18, B. longum W51, E. faecium W54, L. acidophilus W37 and W55, L. paracasei W72, L. plantarum W62, L. rhamnosus W71, L. salivarius W24 2×109 14 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Lewis et al57 69 (33:36) Inpatient
S. boulardii Not noted Duration of antibiotic Placebo ≥3 loose stools (on simplified Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Lönnermark et al58 163 (80:83) Inpatient
L. plantarum 299v 10×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) for ≥2 days
McFarland et al59 193 (97:96) Inpatient
S. boulardii Not noted Duration of antibiotic+3 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) for ≥2 days
Ouwehand et al30 503 (168:168:167)
L. acidophilus NCFM (ATCC700396), L. paracasei Lpc-37 (ATCC SD5275), B. lactis Bi-07 (ATCC SD5220), B. lactis Bl-04 (ATCC SD5219) 17×109, 4.17×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Pirker et al60 678 (340:338) Inpatient
L. casei Shirota (Yakult) 6.5×109 Duration of antibiotic+3 days Nothing ≥3 loose stools per day for ≥3 days
Plomer et al61 130 (65:65) Outpatients
18–65 being treated for H. pylori
B. clausii 6×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo Not noted
Plummer et al62 20 (69:69) Inpatient
L. acidophilus, B. bifidum 20×109 20 days Placebo Not noted
Pozzoni et al63 204 (106:98) Inpatient
S. boulardii 10×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) for ≥2 days
Rajkumar et al64 1126 (549:577) Inpatient
L. casei DN114001, L. delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus, S. thermophilus 20.4×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥2 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Safdar et al65 39 (23:16) Inpatient
L. acidophilus 60×109 Duration of antibiotic+14 days Placebo ≥2 consecutive days of Stool Consistency Continuum score 1, 2 or 3
Sampalis et al66 437 (216:221) Inpatient
L. acidophilus+L. casei (Bio-K+CL1285, Bio-K+International, Canada) 50×109 Duration of antibiotic+5 days Placebo ≥1 day of ≥1 episode of loose stool
Selinger et al67 122 (61:61) Inpatient
B. breve, B. longum, B. infants, L. acidophilus, L. plantarum, L. paracasei, L. delbrueckii subspecies bulgaricus, S. thermophilus (VSL#3) 900×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Shimbo et al68 35 (18:17) Outpatients
>18 being treated for H. pylori
C. butyricum MIYAIRI 588 Not noted 14 days Nothing Not noted
Song et al69 214 (103:111) Inpatient
L. rhamnosus R0011+L. acidophilus R0052 4×109 14 days Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) in 24 hours
Surawicz et al70 180 (116:64) Inpatient
S. boulardii Not noted Duration of antibiotic+14 days Placebo ≥3 loose or watery stools per day for ≥2 consecutive days
Thomas et al71 267 (133:134) Inpatient
L. rhamnosus GG 20×109 14 days Placebo Loose stools (1–3 on Stool Consistency Continuum) for ≥2 or more consecutive days, or ≥3 more than patient’s normal daily number of bowel movements
Velasco et al27 314 (122:125:67) (probiotic:placebo:
L. acidophilus La-5, L. casei Lc-01, B. lactis Bb-12 as probiotics and S. thermophilus STY-31, L. bulgaricus LBY-27 as starter strains in both yoghurt drinks 17–23×109 plus starter strains Duration of antibiotic+5 days Placebo and nothing control groups ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) for ≥2 days
Wenus et al72 63 (34:29) Inpatient
L. rhamnosus GG (LGG), L. acidophilus La-5 and B. animalis subspecies lactis BB-12 52.5×109 Not noted Placebo ≥3 loose stools per day for consecutive 2 days during the test period
Wong et al73 158 (76:82) Inpatient
L. casei Shirota (Yakult) 6.5×109 Duration of antibiotic+7 days Nothing ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) for ≥2 days
Wright et al74 86 (41:46) Inpatient
L. casei Shirota (Yakult) 13×109 Duration of admission Placebo ≥3 loose stools (5–7 Bristol Stool Scale) for ≥2 days
Wu et al31 196 (65:67:64) (high:low:nothing) Inpatient
B. longum, L. acidophilus, E. faecalis 48×109 or 24×109 14 days Nothing Not noted

AAD, antibiotic-associated diarrhoea.