CPVT-associated RyR2 mutations (http://www.uniprot.org/uniprot/Q92736) in the N-terminal domain (red spheres), bridging solenoid (blue spheres), core solenoid (purple spheres), transmembrane domain (orange spheres), and C-terminal domain (magenta), viewed from the cytosol (left) and from the plane of the SR membrane (right). Insets show the domain-domain interface between the NTD and the bridging solenoid at the ‘zipping’ point where DPc10 (black ribbon) is located, the newly revealed calmodulin binding site (green ribbon) and all 4 known ARVD-causing mutations (green spheres). On the right inset the interaction between CTD (cornflower blue ribbon) and core solenoid TAF motif also shows mutation clusters on both sides of this domain-domain interface. The location of the phosphorylation domain containing the PKA and CaMKII sites is shown.