A. Representative flow cytometry plots for the BM VEC and SEC populations. VECs were defined as CD45-/Ter119-/CD31+/Sca1+ BM cells. Ai. SECs were additionally defined as Tie2+ and Scamid and evaluated for VCAM1 expression. B. Germline, but not acute, deletion of Robo4 resulted in increased numbers of BM VECs. The germline R4KO mice exhibited significantly more VECs compared to Wt mice, whereas neither the pan- (R4cKO by Rosa26-CreERT2) nor vascular-specific (R4ECcKO by VEcad-CreERT2) acute Robo4 deletion exhibited significantly different numbers of total VECs. We have previously published similar results for the R4KO mice [17]; this panel includes both previously reported and new data from the R4KO performed side-by-side with the two conditional models. Data represent n = 4–6 independent experiments with n = 37 wt, n = 37 R4KO, n = 18 tamoxifen treated Wt, n = 15 R4cKO, and n = 10 R4ECcKO. Statistics by unpaired two tailed student’s t-test. ** p < 0.01. C. Unlike the germline R4KO, the frequency of VCAM1 on sinusoidal BM VECs was not significantly different upon acute pan or endothelial-specific deletion of Robo4. R4KO mice exhibited significantly lower frequency of VCAM1+ sinusoidal VECs compared to Wt cohorts, whereas R4cKO or R4ECcKO did not. We have previously published similar results for the R4KO mice; this panel includes both previously reported and new data from the R4KO performed side-by-side with the two conditional models [17]. Data represent n = 4 independent experiments, n = 21 Wt, n = 21 R4KO, n = 18 tamoxifen treated Wt, n = 15 R4cKO, and n = 10 R4ECcKO. Statistics by unpaired two tailed student’s t-test. * p < 0.05. See also S2 Fig. E. Unlike the germline R4KO, the number of BM SECs (CD45-/Ter119-/Sca1low/Tie2+) was not significantly different upon acute pan or endothelial-specific deletion of Robo4. R4KO mice exhibited significantly lower BM sinusoidal VECs compared to Wt cohorts, whereas R4cKO or R4ECcKO did not. We have previously published similar results for the R4KO mice; this panel includes both previously reported [17] and new data from the R4KO performed side-by-side with the two conditional models. Data represent n = 4 independent experiments, n = 21 Wt, n = 21 R4KO, n = 18 tamoxifen treated Wt, n = 15 R4cKO, and n = 10 R4ECcKO. Statistics by unpaired two tailed student’s t-test. * p < 0.05.