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. 2021 Aug 13;16(8):e0255557. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0255557

Table 1. Frequency distributions of PrEP awareness by demographics and behaviors compared to those not aware of PrEP: Brazil, Mexico, Peru (N = 19,457) April, 2018.

  Brazil (N = 7,794/11,325) Mexico (N = 3,796/5,921) Peru (N = 1,002/2,150)
  n/N* Aw%** P value n/N* Aw%** P value n/N* Aw%** P value
PrEP Awareness (N) 7,794 68.8 -- 3,796 64.1 -- 1,002 46.6 --
Sociodemographic Characteristics
Age Category <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
36+ 1,975/7,794 71.3 776/3,796 65.9 171/1,002 57.8
31–35 1,495/7,794 75.4 679/3,796 70.3 134/1,002 52.6
25–30 2,381/7,794 70.7 1,365/3,796 67.7 370/1,002 51.9
18–24 1,942/7,794 60.7 976/3,796 55.4 327/1,002 36.9
Race (Brazil & Peru) <0.001 -- 0.008
White 4,288/7,794 71.6 -- -- 212/1,002 52.2
Black 996/7,794 66.9 -- -- 11/1,002 26.8
cMix 2,290/7,794 65.1 -- -- 719/1,002 46.1
dOther 110/7,794 65.9 -- -- 30/1,002 46.2
Race (Mexico Only) -- 0.002 --
White/Other -- -- 3,717/3,796 64.4 -- --
Indigenous -- -- 56/3,796 50.0 -- --
Education <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Postgraduate 2,259/7,794 79.6 706/3,796 78.5 151/1,002 63.7
Completed undergraduate 2,939/7,794 72.9 1,830/3,796 69.6 487/1,002 53.8
Did not complete undergraduate 478/7,794 62.8 1,219/3,796 54.5 185/1,002 35.7
Completed high school 1,957/7,794 58.3 20/3,796 22.0 165/1,002 36.6
Less than high school 102/7,794 42.9 11/3,796 27.5 1/1,002 12.5
Income <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
High 1,232/7,794 80.6 1,124/3,796 79.3 191/1,002 70.2
Middle 3,473/7,794 74.1 1,544/3,796 64.5 448/1,002 47.4
Low 3,089/7,794 60.5 821/3,796 53.3 259/1,002 36.6
Behaviors and HIV Testing
GSN Apps for Sex <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Daily 4,315/7,794 70.5 1,441/3,796 66.7 372/1,002 52.5
Sometimes 2,983/7,794 68.3 2,118/3,796 63.6 491/1,002 47.8
Never 496/7,794 59.8 237/3,796 55.4 139/1,002 33.6
aBinge Drinking <0.001 0.005 0.3
Yes 5,422/7,794 69.9 2,670/3,796 65.3 694/1,002 45.9
No 2,372/7,794 66.4 1,105/3,796 61.5 293/1,002 48.3
aSubstance use <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Erectile dysfunction use only 505/7,794 76.8 280/3,796 74.3 34/1,002 55.7
Marijuana use only 1,855/7,794 74.1 820/3,796 71.9 246/1,002 55.9
Marijuana and erectile dysfunction use 344/7,794 87.1 194/3,796 85.1 22/1,002 75.9
No use 5,090/7,794 65.5 2,502/3,796 59.9 700/1,002 43.2
Sexual Behaviors and Risk
bPerceived HIV Risk 0.7 0.008 0.7
High 690/7,794 70.0 426/3,796 67.2 106/1,002 44.5
Middle 1,580/7,794 68.9 1,215/3,796 66.1 310/1,002 47.6
Low 5,524/7,794 68.7 2,155/3,796 62.5 586/1,002 46.5
aMSM Risk Index (HIRI-MSM) <0.001 0.001 0.5
Higher 4,237/7,794 71.2 2,005/3,796 66.0 547/1,002 47.2
Lower 3,381/7,794 66.4 1,741/3,796 62.1 446/1,002 45.7

Abbreviations. MSM = Men who have Sex with Men; PrEP = Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis; HIV = Human Immunodeficiency Virus; GSN = Gay Social Networking; HIRI-MSM = HIV Incidence Risk Index for Men who have Sex with Men

*May not add to total because of missing data

** Aw% = Percentages are indicators of those aware to those not aware in that category

aVariables asked in the previous 6 months (binge drinking, substance use, MSM risk index)

bVariables asked in the previous 12 months (perceived risk)

cMix race included respondents who stated their race as “mestizo”

dOther race included respondents who stated their race was other