Effect of optimum dose of ABEC: Photomicrographs of subendocardial region of rat heart (H & E, ×400). a- Group I (normal control); no any histological changes, b- Group II (Plant control); shows normal architecture, c- Group III (Doxorubicin control); shows a higher degree of necrotic changes (hyper-eosinophilic cytoplasm and nuclear changes in cell death; pyknosis/ karrheorhexis/ karyolysis), d– Group IV (Dox + 2.0 g/kg of ABEC); shows lesser degree of necrosis, e– Group V (Positive control); shows occasional cells with early changes of necrosis. Arrows indicate areas of sub-endocardium with necrotic changes. ABEC; Aqueous bark extract of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Dox; doxorubicin.