Table 2. Example outrage and non-outrage tweets as classified by the DOC.
Topic | Text | Classification |
Kavanaugh | @SenGillibrand you are a DISGRACE. Shut your lying mouth. There is no evidence of assault | Outrage |
Kavanaugh | @JeffFlake thank you for stepping up. Don’t let them do a poor job in the investigation | Non-outrage |
Covington | I cannot with the “Stand with Covington” gofundme? WTF? People are giving these brats money? Unbelievable! | Outrage |
Covington | There are good people on both sides of the #Covington debate. Let’s all slow down | Non-outrage |
United | I’m in total disgust and madness because of what #united did. Totally Unacceptable. | Outrage |
United | Here’s the latest ad from @united. #united #advertising https://... | Non-outrage |
Smollett | Hey @JussieSmolett you are a worthless piece of shit. A greedy, corrupt liar. | Outrage |
Smollett | We need some more @JussieSmolett memes. Where are they? | Non-outrage |
Transgender ban | This is a disgusting display of hatred and oppression. #FUCKYOUTRUMP and your criminal cabinet! | Outrage |
Transgender ban | Hillary Clinton said some thoughtful words about the ban: https://... | Non-outrage |