A1. When I signed the consent form to take part in research, I knew that I was agreeing to participate in a clinical trial. |
89 (98%) |
1 (1.1%) |
1 (1.1%) |
1 |
A2. The main reason clinical trials are done is to improve well-being of future patients. |
91 (99%) |
1 (1.1%) |
0 (0%) |
0 |
A3. All the interventions and procedures in my clinical trial are standard for my type of prostate biopsy procedure. |
70 (77%) |
21 (23%) |
0 (0%) |
1 |
A4. In my clinical trial, one of the researchers’ major purposes is to find out ways to improve prostate biopsy. |
82 (92%) |
7 (7.9%) |
0 (0%) |
3 |
A5. In the trial, the researchers will look at treatments that have been proven to be the best treatment for pain and discomfort during prostate biopsy. |
82 (89%) |
10 (11%) |
0 (0%) |
0 |
A6. After I agreed to participate in my clinical trial, I had a chance of being randomly selected to find out about a new treatment. |
65 (71%) |
19 (21%) |
7 (7.7%) |
1 |
A7. There may not be direct medical benefit to me from my participation in this clinical trial. |
76 (84%) |
13 (14%) |
2 (2.2%) |
1 |
A8. By participating in this clinical trial, I am helping the researchers learn information that may benefit future patients undergoing prostate biopsy. |
90 (98%) |
2 (2.2%) |
0 (0%) |
0 |
A9. Because I am participating in a clinical trial, it is possible that the study sponsor, various government agencies, or others who are not directly involved in my care could review my medical records. |
67 (74%) |
16 (18%) |
8 (8.8%) |
1 |
A10. The consent form I signed lists the name of the person (or persons) whom I should contact if I have any questions or concerns about the clinical trial. |
65 (71%) |
27 (29%) |
0 (0%) |
0 |
A11. If I had not wanted to participate in this clinical trial, I could have declined to sign the consent form. |
89 (97%) |
3 (3.3%) |
0 (0%) |
0 |
A12. I will have to remain in the clinical trial even if I decide someday that I want to withdraw. |
32 (35%) |
23 (25%) |
36 (40%) |
1 |