Figure 4. HMGB1 isoforms disrupted the lattice-like eDNA network within K.
pneumoniaebiofilms in vitro. Twenty-four-hour K. pneumoniae biofilms were incubated with the indicated protein (200 nM) for 16 hours. Unfixed biofilms were incubated with α-dsDNA monoclonal antibody, then incubated with goat α-mouse IgG conjugated to Alexa Fluor 488 (yellow). K. pneumoniae were stained with FilmTracer FM 4-64 (white). Biofilms were visualized by confocal laser scanning microscope. Note the intertwined web-like structure in the control and the disruption of the web-like structure by rHMGB1 and mHMGB1. Scale bars: 10 μm.