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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2022 Jul 1.
Published in final edited form as: Psychoneuroendocrinology. 2021 Apr 28;129:105243. doi: 10.1016/j.psyneuen.2021.105243

Table 4.

Mean comparisons of total PYY levels around a standardized meal (at T0, T30, T60, T120) between individuals with avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder (ARFID), anorexia nervosa (AN), and healthy controls (HC)

Time F (3, 210) = 51.0 p < .001, η2 = .058

Mean ± (S.D./S.E.M.) p Values (Cohen’s d)

Group Timepoint T0 vs. T30 T0 vs. T60 T0 vs. T120

T0 T30 T60 T120
ARFID (n = 16) 99.8 (42.27/10.6) 121.3 (121.31/11.1) 112.8 (45.28/11.3) 109.6 (33.18/8.3) .005 (.536) .290 (.251) .178 (.355)

AN (n = 29) 109.76 (40.77/7.6) 135.9 (135.93/9.0) 119.8 (40.92/7.5) 139.7 (4.17/8.2) <.001 (.576) .108 (.260) <.001 (.691)

HC (n = 28) 80.4 (33.63/6.4) 98.0 (98.00/6.8) 95.2 (38.73/7.3) 110.7 (34.06/6.4) .006 (.513) <.001 (.260) <.001 (.691)

All groups (n = 74) 96.33 (40.21/4.71) 118.18 (45.81/5.36) 108.81 (41.83/4.90) 121.95 (40.41/5.36) <.001 (.515) <.001 (.306) <.001 (.663)

Group F (2, 71) = 4.68 p = .012, η2 = .102

Mean ± (S.D./S.E.M) p Values (Cohen’s d)

Total PYY (pg/mL) Group AR FID vs AN ARFI D vs HC AN vs HC

ARFID (n = 16) AN (n = 29) HC (n = 28)
T0 99.8 (42.27/10.6) 109.76 (40.77/7.6) 80.4 (33.63/6.4) .715 (.237) .127 (.552) .005 (.769)
T30 121.3 (121.31/11.1) 135.9 (135.93/9.0) 98.0 (98.00/6.8) .600 (.311) .173 (.569) .004 (.884)
T60 112.8 (45.28/11.3) 119.8 (40.92/7.5) 95.2 (38.73/7.3) .741 (.224) .353 (.646) .037 (.382)
T120 109.6 (33.18/8.3) 139.7 (4.17/8.2) 110.7 (34.06/6.4) .127 (.722) 1.00 (.695) .065 (.012)

One-Way ANOVAs F (df1, df2) Omnibus p2)

AUC 13497.2(4598.53/1149.6) 15303.1 (4840.82/898.9) 11751.4 (4003.46/756.6) 4.25 (2,70) .018 (.108)
Peak 130.4 (43.72/10.9) 151.1 (48.60/9.0) 117.5 (37.22/7.0) 3.71 (2,70) .029 (.100)
Percent change from T0 to peak 36.5 (34.79/8.7) 45.1 (36.79/6.8) 58.1 (46.26/8.7) 1.09 (2,70) .341 (.030)

Note: ARFID = avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder; AN = anorexia nervosa and atypical anorexia nervosa primarily restricting presentation; HC = healthy controls; S.D.= standard deviation; S.E.M = standard error of the mean; only participants who ate at least 50% (i.e., 210 Kcal) of the standardized breakfast meal are included in comparisons; T0 = hormone levels following a 8+ hour overnight fast, T30 = hormone levels 30 minutes post breakfast meal; T60 = 60 minutes post breakfast meal; T120 = 120 minutes post breakfast meal; AUC = area under the curve; significant p values <.025 for the omnibus mixed ANOVA, <.0083 for the one-way omnibus ANOVAs, and <.05 for group mean post-hoc comparisons are indicated in bold.