Table 2.
Factor Loadings of the Perceived Social Support for Job Search Activity Scale (PSS-JSAS†) from Exploratory Factor Analysis in Subsample 1 (n = 223)
Item # | Item description | Range | h2 | Item-total correlation | Factor loading |
4. | Others encourage me to continue searching for a job even when I feel down. | 1–5 | .56 | .64 | .75 |
7. | If I feel like quitting my search for a job, others encourage me to keep contacting employers. | 1–5 | .55 | .65 | .74 |
5. | I feel that others understand why I want to continue working. | 1–5 | .43 | .55 | .66 |
2. | When I am turned down for a job interview, I receive positive encouragement for continuing my job search efforts. | 1–5 | .41 | .59 | .64 |
8. | When it comes to searching for a job, I have others supporting me. | 1–5 | .32 | .48 | .56 |
1. | I feel that I am receiving a high level of support for my job search efforts. | 1–5 | .24 | .45 | .49 |
Eigenvalue | 3.05 | ||||
Total % of variance explained | 50.8 | ||||
Cronbach’s alpha | .80 |
Note. Extraction method: maximum likelihood; rotation method: oblimin; number of factors to extract: parallel analysis
h2 = extraction communalities
† = All of the items on the PSS-JSAS are available in Rife and Belcher (1993)