Fig. 6. Distinct innate immune signatures mediated by IFN signaling and replication stress-induced DNA damage.
a Volcano plots of differentially expressed genes in BICR6 cells treated with 3p-hpRNA or HU + ATRi. Vertical dashed lines indicate a log2 fold-change of 2 and the horizontal dashed line indicates a P-value of 0.001. Data are derived from n = 3 biological replicates. b Venn diagram of significantly upregulated genes identified in a with a log2(fold change) >2 and a P-value < 0.001. c Heat maps of 23 representative inflammatory genes induced after 3p-hpRNA or HU + ATRi treatment in BICR6 cells. d Quantification of IL-6 mRNA level by RT-qPCR in BICR6 WT and RIG-I KO cells after indicated treatment. Mean values ± SD (n = 3). **P < 0.01 (two-tailed Welch t-test). e Heat maps of inflammatory genes expression level in BICR6 WT or RIG-I KO treated with 3p-hpRNA or HU + ATRi. f IL-6 expression level was determined by RT-qPCR in BICR6 WT or STAT2 KO following indicated treatment. Mean values ± SD (n = 3). ****P < 0.0001 (two-tailed Welch t-test). Source data are provided as a Source Data file.