Ref. | Method | Approach/Model | Key features | Purpose |
92 | AB | Direct | BEV projections | To identify similar patient cases by matching 2D BEV projections of structures |
93 | AB | Direct | BEV projections | To adapt the best match plan parameters from one institute to optimize the query case of an outside institution |
94, 95 | MB | Multivariate analysis Slice weight function |
Distance‐to‐PTV, Slice level |
To determine the relationship between the position of voxels and corresponding doses to predict the sparing of OARs |
96 | MB | Active shape model, active optical flow model | PTV locations in relation to spinal cord |
To study the effect of PTV contours on dose distribution at the spinal cord.
97 | AB | Direct |
Target‐OAR overlap Shell creation surrounding the match target volume |
To adapt the matched case from the database for query case by deforming the match beam fluences, warping the matched primary/boost dose distribution, and distance scaling factor |
98 | AB | Direct | Target‐OAR overlap | To transfer the beam settings and multileaf collimator positions of the best match case to the new case |
99 | AB | Direct | The PTV and Seminal vesicles (SV) concaveness angle and % distance from SV to the PTV | To transfer treatment parameters of the atlas case to the new case |
100 | AB | Indirect | Multi‐scale image appearance features | To use contextual atlas regression forest (cARF) augmented with density estimation over the most informative features to learn an automatic atlas‐selection metric for dose prediction |
101 | AB | Indirect | Features based on the spatial dose distribution and features derived from DVHs |
To extend CRF by introducing the conditional random field model (cARF‐CRF) to transform the probabilistic dose distribution into a scalar dose distribution that adheres to desired DVHs. |
102 | AB | Indirect | Multi‐scale image appearance features | To converts a predicted per voxel dose distribution into a complete radiotherapy plan through a fully automated pipeline using cARF‐CRF. |
Abbreviations: AB, atlas‐based (Direct or Indirect method); DTH, distance‐to‐target histogram; MB, model‐based; OVH, overlap volume histogram.