Progenitor and cortical neuronal layer markers at week 8 and 12 of differentiation. (a) At week 8, PAX6+ progenitors, CTIP2+ deep-layer neurons, and SATB2+ mid-upper-layer neurons were present in control and PMSE hCOs. (b) Quantitation of these markers demonstrated a significant decrease in CTIP2 expression in PMSE hCOs, *p < .05. (c) At week 12, there was increased SATB2 compared to week 8 (a), and both control and PMSE hCOs had similar numbers of PAX6-, CTIP2- and SATB2-positive cell numbers. (d) Quantitation of cell markers demonstrated no significant differences. Each dot represents a separate image of an organoid. Mean ± SEM is displayed. Data were compiled from three independent differentiations. Scale bars = 500 μm