Figure 6. Cluster analysis of dynamic behavior of GMPR complexes.
A. The E•IMP•NADP+ and E•GMP•NADP+ complexes are dark green are dark pink, respectively. The analogous complexes with deoxy substrates are light green and light pink. The relative rate constants for the partial hydride transfer reaction are shown to the right of E•(d)IMP•NADP+ complexes. The relative rate constants for the reverse reaction are shown to the right of the E•(d)GMP•NADP+ complexes. B. Cartoon of proposed dynamic networks. Dynamic interactions are denoted by springs, blue denotes reaction specific interactions. Chains denote direct interactions that have modest effects on the dynamic networks. Cyan lines represent direct interactions as observed in the crystal structure of the inactive E•IMP•NADPH complex (Figure 1)17.