Figure 7.
Evaluation of p63 and laminin-332 expression in spheroids/acini derived from CHD1 KO cells in both matrigel cultures and in vivo. (Row a) p63 (basal cell component) staining of RWPE-1, NT2, Cr2, Cr16, and Cr21 spheroids grown in Matrigel. All spheroid cells expressed p63. (Row b) Laminin-332 (basal lamina component) staining of the spheroids in row A under IF. All spheroids displayed the laminin-332 stain in the outer periphery when compact and irregular staining when irregularly shaped. Spheroids from RWPE-1 and NT2 lines are brightly stained with laminin-332, while CHD1 KO lines show significantly dimmer staining. (Row c) H&E staining of tissue from nude mice subcutaneously injected with RWPE-1, NT2, Cr2, Cr16, and Cr21 cells. All cell lines formed acini of regular and irregular shapes. Acini from CHD1 KO cells are larger, more irregular, and more dispersed than RWPE-1 and NT2. (Row d) Laminin-332 staining of the acini in row C under IF. RWPE-1 and NT2 acini demonstrated bright staining, while Cr2, Cr16, and Cr21 cell lines display significantly less staining. White bars represent 100 μm.
CHD1, chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 1; H&E, hematoxylin and eosin; KO, knockout.