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. 2021 Aug 12;26(32):2001099. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.32.2001099

Table 3. Comparison of the effect estimates of influenza vaccination from different models with the estimate that compares people vaccinated in the current season with those unvaccinated in the current and five previous seasons, Navarre, Spain, pooled analysis of 2011/12–2018/19 influenza seasons (n = 10,356).

Vaccination effect Absolute difference of vaccination effect in %
% 95% CI a
All patients
Summarised model with five previous seasons 40 33–47 Reference
Summarised model with three previous seasons 39 32–45 −1
Summarised model with one previous season 36 29–43 −4
Only-current-season model 31 23–38 −9b
Primary healthcare patientsc
Summarised model with five previous seasons 40 27–51 Reference
Summarised model with three previous seasons 39 25–50 −1
Summarised model with one previous season 37 23–48 −3
Only-current-season model 35 21–47 −5b
Hospitalised patients
Summarised model with five previous seasons 39 30–47 Reference
Summarised model with three previous seasons 38 29–46 −1
Summarised model with one previous season 36 27–44 −3
Only-current-season model 29 19–37 −10b,d
Age 9–64 yearsc
Summarised model with five previous seasons 45 35–54 Reference
Summarised model with three previous seasons 46 34–53 1
Summarised model with one previous season 43 32–52 −2
Only-current-season model 42 31–51 −3
Age ≥ 65 years
Summarised model with five previous seasons 35 24–44 Reference
Summarised model with three previous seasons 34 23–44 −1
Summarised model with one previous season 32 21–41 −3
Only-current-season model 24 13–33 −11b,d
Influenza A(H1N1)
Summarised model with five previous seasons 53 42–61 Reference
Summarised model with three previous seasons 50 39–60 −3
Summarised model with one previous season 51 40–59 −2
Only-current-season model 47 36–56 −6b
Influenza A(H3N2)
Summarised model with five previous seasons 24 11–34 Reference
Summarised model with three previous seasons 24 13–35 0
Summarised model with one previous season 21 9–32 −3
Only-current-season model 14 2–25 −10b,d
Influenza Bc
Summarised model with five previous seasons 53 42–61 Reference
Summarised model with three previous seasons 50 39–59 −3
Summarised model with one previous season 47 35–56 −6b
Only-current-season model 44 32–53 −9b

CI: confidence interval.

a Vaccination effect adjusted by age groups (9–44, 45–64, 65–84 and ≥ 85 years), major chronic conditions, healthcare setting (primary healthcare and hospital) and month and season of sample collection.

b Absolute difference of vaccine effect of at least ± 5% was considered as a bias.

c The results of this model should be considered with caution since there was a negative interference between vaccination in the current and previous seasons.

d Absolute difference of vaccine effect of at least ± 10% was considered as a relevant bias.